Which Heavy Metals are Found in Baby Food


In this day and age, becoming a parent can be overwhelming. Let alone, having a child is a big deal but all the decisions you make along the way will have a major impact on your child’s life.

You want what is best for your child. You have a maternal or paternal instinct to keep them safe. Not only do you have this precious new life in your hands to protect from harm, but there are so many decisions to make with the consumer goods brought into this baby’s life.

Even before the baby was born, you made choices that would positively impact the baby. During the pregnancy, you watched what you ingested knowing that your baby would be nourished by your food. You cut out food items like raw fish, unpasteurized dairy, alcohol, and anything else your doctor and baby books advised you to avoid. Now that the baby is here, you have the maternal or paternal instinct to protect what goes into your baby’s body. Feed your baby organic, nourishing food without the additives and contaminants during this critical growth period when your baby’s brain is developing.

Protect your baby by doing your due diligence. Do in-depth research on baby food products on the market. Plan ahead with where you will make the purchases. You will certainly feel proud you made the right choices and will see your child develop into a happy, healthy human.

How Does Baby Food Get Contaminated?

Food contamination can happen anywhere. Food can get contaminated at a farm, at a manufacturing plant, at a restaurant, at a picnic or at home. There are certain standards and precautions that must take place to prevent contamination in the life-cycle of food.

For instance, the soil that fruits and vegetables are grown in may contain pesticides, herbicides, or biological contaminants. If these contaminants are in the soil or spread on the food during the growth period, the contaminants could essentially be traced in the final product of the food post-manufacturing.

Metals Found In Baby Foods

Recently, The United States Food and Drug Administration completed a study and released information that several prevalent and popular baby food brands on the market were found to show traces of heavy metals.

Although many of the food ingredients were tested after the farming phase, many of the foods were not tested post-manufacturing. The United States Food and Drug Administration would like to push for more post-manufacturing testing.

Baby food heavy metals that are found in various popular brands of baby food are as follows:

  • Arsenic:
  • Lead:
  • Cadmium:
  • Mercury:

Ingesting these heavy metals at a young age may damage the brain development of a child and also increase the chances of behavioral issues in the child. High amounts of these heavy metals can also affect the development of sight and hearing of a child. It can increase the chance of cancer and chronic diseases. It is best to avoid foods that contain these heavy metals.

Making the Best Decision for your Children

You love your baby and want what is best for you and your family. When it is time for your child to get acclimated to move past breast milk and begin eating foods, find the brand of baby food that checks all of the boxes. Look for organic, containment-free, additive-free, and chemical-free baby food. While we are living in the information age, it is easier than ever to look up information, ingredients, and proven research on the various consumer products on the market. Take some time and research the products that you would like to introduce into your baby’s life.

By making smart decisions for your child, your baby will grow up healthy, happy, and full of joy.

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