Should I Use a Pet Relocation Service?


Getting ready for pet travel requires a lot of planning. Would you rather fly or drive with your four-legged friend? Which hotels in the area welcome pets? Have I packed everything your pet needs? It’s imperative to prepare everything ahead of time so that your pet can have a stress-free trip.

However, what if your employer relocates you across the country or overseas? Making plans for a move is much more difficult than making plans for a vacation. You have to pack, find a new home, sell your old home, set up the kids in a new school, change your address, and so on. You’ll also need to make all the arrangements for your beloved pet to move with you as well.

This all can be a lot to take in.

You may want to consider a pet relocation service if you have furry family members and are considering moving. It is their job to ensure your pet arrives at its new residence safely and soundly.

How Do I Select a Pet Relocation Company?

You are not required to work with a company that is located in your current city or your new destination. Make a list of questions you have about the pet relocation process after narrowing down the IPATA members you want to work with. Here are some important things to ask:

  • What policies and procedures do you have?
  • Do you have a license and insurance?
  • Since when do you transport pets?
  • What is the timeline for my pet’s arrival at our new home?
  • During the trip, how frequently will you contact me?
  • How will I communicate with you throughout the journey?
  • How much does your fee include? Is that the entire cost?
  • What steps will you take to ensure my dog or cat gets enough food and water?
  • How should I prepare for my pet?

The companies you interview with should be willing to answer all of your questions. It’s important to get testimonials from companies that have been used by the happy and satisfied owner. The final decision should reflect your confidence in their abilities – you are entrusting a very special family member to them.

They Make it Easy

Pet relocation IPATA members are skilled in providing door-to-door services for your pet. You need not handle any of the travel arrangements since they will be handled for you. Professional pet movers know which airlines to use, all the laws regulating the transportation of animals (and when those laws change), as well as how pick up and delivery services operate.

The country you will be living in will have its laws regarding the importation and exportation of animals if you are moving overseas. Aside from document requirements, there might also be quarantine periods. You can rely on a pet relocation company to make the move less stressful by making sure all the proper documents are in order and informing you of the country’s quarantine or other import policies.

Who Shouldn’t Use a Pet Relocation Company?

If you have a tight budget, pet relocation companies might not be the right option for you. There are additional fees to cover such as documentation, ground transportation, airline, etc., in addition to paying the relocation company for their time. Keeping this in mind as you plan your move can prove helpful.

Another aspect to keep in mind is that certain pets are seen as risky by pet relocation companies. Dogs and cats do not have a particular age limit, but owners should take into consideration how much stress their elder animals can withstand. Similarly, pets with high levels of anxiety may be at risk for hyperventilation or self-injury if they are not sufficiently crate trained and prepared well in advance of their moving day, warn from Homevet, housecall vet services. A high-stress condition may hinder the respiratory system of brachycephalic dogs like pugs and English bulldogs. Consult with your vet for advice before making decisions for your beloved companion.

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