Binge Eating Disorder: Do I Have it?


Eating disorders are quite common, but when you think of them, you may think of anorexia or another eating disorder that results in losing weight in an unhealthy manner.

However, there are many types of eating disorders, and many of them can cause weight gain. One of them is binge eating disorder. Let’s discuss binge eating disorder, how to treat it, and then discuss where you can get help.

What is Binge Eating Disorder?

Binge eating disorder is when a person eats a large amount of food in one sitting, usually to the point where they feel uncomfortable.

Binge eating is not eating too much during Thanksgiving, or having an occasional day to treat yourself. Instead, binge eating disorder can happen sporadically.

When one binge eats, they eat food in a quick setting, almost as if they can’t control themselves. When finished, they may feel ashamedB.

Binge eating disorder is known as bulimia when it’s accompanied by purging. Purging is when you throw up or use laxatives to remove the food from your body. However, with a normal binge eating disorder, there is no purging.

Someone who has binge eating disorder may feel embarrassed about it. They may hide their food in obscure places or try to avoid eating with anyone else so they don’t get found out.

What Causes it?

Binge eating disorder can be due to many issues. Sometimes, trauma and life events can make someone binge eat. However, one big cause is a diet that is overly restrictive.

When you are dieting and you mess it up, you may feel like you should just keep eating, as you’ve already slipped once.

Another cause of binge eating disorder may be low self-esteem, depression, or other mood disorders.

The Consequences

Binge eating disorder can cause many consequences.

One of the most obvious repercussions is gaining weight due to excessive eating, and having to deal with all the health effects if the binge eating keeps going.

Another side effect is financial troubles. Buying all that food to binge can end up costing you money. As you may hide your disorder, you may get in trouble with family or partners due to financial dishonesty.

Binge eating disorder is treatable. Here’s how you can treat it.

Treating Binge Eating Disorder

Binge eating disorder can be treated through therapy and lifestyle changes. Here are some ways to treat it.

  • Remove any problematic foods from your home. Don’t keep foods that you can binge easily.
  • Get plenty of sleep. Sleep deprivation may end up making you hungrier.
  • Be mindful of your thoughts. Certain thoughts may cause you to binge eat. Using mindfulness, you can be aware of the present more and avoid binge eating.
  • List anything that may trigger your binge eating disorder. Then, do your best to avoid any triggers. This may help reduce the frequency of your episodes, which can help you.
  • Change your diet. If your diet is overly restrictive, may try lessening the amount of calories you have rather than deprive yourself of food.
  • Have a food budget and do not go over it unless there is an emergency.
  • Finally, don’t be ashamed to talk to a health professional about it. In many cases, binge eating disorder may not be treatable alone. You may need to speak to a professional to find the best form of treatment for your situation.

However, there is an easier and better way. A coach can answer how to stop emotional eating forever and allow you to enjoy foods without restriction.

Diagnosis is Key

Now that you know about binge eating disorder, did any of the above apply to you?

If so, you may want to get a diagnosis. Binge eating disorder is treatable, but it is something that you may need professional help with.

However, you may not have the time to book an appointment with a doctor or therapist in-person. Not only that, but you may feel ashamed of binge eating and you may not want to visit a therapist because you feel like someone will see you.

One way for you to be able to get the help you need is to visit Mind Diagnostics. There, you can test yourself for binge eating disorder, then talk to a therapist about it. For more information, click this link:

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