6 Ways to Announce Your Engagement


Your heart is already beating at a higher pace and all you can do is simply smile on that special day of your life. What are we talking about? We are talking about your engagement. You just got engaged. Heartiest congratulations to you. But hey did you announce it yet? Of course, you would have to tell your friends and it does not seem to be a simple task. We understand. Since this is the best moment and occasion of your life you would have to tell it to everyone but now you would be confused about how to tell if and when to tell it. This process can be a bit overwhelming but do not worry. We have got few tips for you that would help you to announce your engagement to everyone.

Announce it through a website

This would be one of the unique ways of announcing the engagement. You can plan to get the website designed for you only to announce your engagement. You would need to make sure to include all the details related to that special moment and then share that link with everyone. You can then update that website in the future for all the happenings related to your marriage. This way your friends and loved ones will stay updated with all the latest happenings in your life. Here you can also put the pictures of some of the best engagement rings in Melbourne to add a feel to the message.

Inform it by phone

There might be a case where your parents or your members or friends are not from the same town. In this case, it won’t be possible for you to share this good news in a face-to-face meeting. In this case, you can simply inform them over the call either at night or the next day morning after the proposal. You can even inform your other friends over the call if it is not feasible for you to meet everyone.

Meet face to face

This is known to be the age-old way of announcing the special moments of your life. Marriage or engagement are known to be the best occasions of your life and hence it is important to announce it in person especially to your family members and relative. You can consider informing other people in other ways but make sure to inform the closed ones by meeting them face to face.

Put it on social media

So, you have already informed your parents and other closed ones. Now it is time to announce to the rest of the world. What would be the easiest way of telling the whole world about your engagement? It is social media. Make sure to create the posts using some of the best photographs of your proposal and share that on all the social media platforms.

Put it in the newspaper

If you do not have time for all the above-mentioned things then you can certainly consider adapting the age-old method. You can publish your engagement announcement in local newspapers. You can send the message draft along with a few of your proposal day pictures to the publication. You can also write some more information about you as well as your partner in the newspaper.

Send it through letter or email

If you do not wish to announce your engagement openly to the world then you can also consider informing the selective people through email or letter. You can get the brochure or an email drafted including all the details regarding your engagement and your partner. You can also add few photographs here to add a special touch to it.

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