When Should I Replace Old Electrical Wiring?


Old wiring and faulty electrical work can cause house fires. You may need to replace old wiring to avoid this risk. You may also rewire the electrical wiring to increase outlets and comply with the relevant electrical laws.

In this post, we will identify instances when you should replace old electrical wiring. You can call electricians from lexicongroup.com.au to help with the rewiring.

When to Replace Old Electrical Wiring

Replace old electrical wiring in these circumstances:

1. Your House Is Over 25 Years Old

The electrical wiring in the home is likely to be old and outdated. For example, they may have used aluminium electrical wiring as it was more affordable than copper about five decades ago. However, copper is the best wiring material because it is malleable, non-corrosive, and conducts electricity better. You may call a domestic electrician to inspect and install the wiring.

2. The Circuit Breaker Trips Often

Your home’s electrical demands can affect your circuit breaker, forcing it to trip frequently. For example, you may install new appliances that overload the circuit. The circuit breaker trips to protect your home from risks, such as fires.

You’ll experience a blackout in your home when the circuit breaker trips. Call an electrician in Ealing to examine and upgrade your wiring to accommodate a larger electrical capacity.

3. You Need Extension Cords

You don’t have adequate outlets if you rely on extension cords to connect your electrical fixtures. Call an electrician to replace the old electrical wiring with a setup with enough outlets for your home’s energy needs.

4. Lights Flicker or Dim

Your home’s electrical wiring might not provide adequate electricity to appliances if it flickers or dims when you turn on the equipment. Blinking or dim lights may also show a severe electrical problem, such as frayed or damaged wiring and unreliable conductivity. You may call a professional electrician to inspect and replace the old wiring to handle these issues.

5. Stained or Discoloured Outlets

A stained or discoloured outlet can show uncontrolled power surges are running through your house’s electrical system. Call an electrician to replace the old wiring to prevent electrical fires.

6. Major Remodelling or Expansion

You may need to rewire part or all of your electrical wiring setup if you plan to do major remodelling work that comprises a material alteration. This step is necessary to comply with Building Regulations.

You may need new wiring for your home if you expand your property or convert an attic or garage. The new work should conform to Part P: Electrical Safety. You may also need to rewire the old wiring setup to ensure it can carry the extra loads safely. Professional electricians can help with these works.

Your home’s electrical wiring may need rewiring in these six circumstances. Call professional electricians in Ealing to get their help with this work. They will help you minimise electrical risks, ensure there’s adequate supply to all your rooms, increase your outlets, and ensure compliance with the relevant electrical laws.


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