Why Do We Give Flowers as Gifts?


Happiness is to hold flowers with both hands, thus goes a Japanese proverb. And it’s true. Watching flowers bloom, smelling them, holding them in your hands is sheer joy. And isn’t it in human nature to share everything joyous with their loved ones? That is the underlying reason why flowers come to our minds every time we think of gifting.

The gifting of flowers is the commonest tradition since time immemorial. Ever wondered why? Simply because they suit every occasion — formal or informal, every mood — happy or sad, every relation — family or colleague.

Here are some solid reasons why we give flowers as gifts.

Flowers communicate

As author Stephanie Skeem says, “Flowers don’t tell, they show.” Indeed, flowers do help us express feelings that we somehow cannot put to words. They have a language of their own, that of love, support, encouragement, repentance, and so many unspoken feelings and thoughts. Yes, the symbolism of flowers is man-made, dictated by the diversity of cultures, but the fundamental idea is the same – expressing what you cannot say with words.

While giving flowers is a universal gesture of affection and celebration, How Does Ikebana Go Beyond Simple Flower Arrangement? explores the depth of arranging flowers as an art form. Ikebana, the Japanese art of flower arrangement, infuses this simple act with profound cultural and philosophical significance, transforming the way we perceive and appreciate floral gifts.

Gifting when you are unsure

You need to buy a gift for a visiting dignitary at the office, and are unsure what would be an appropriate choice. In such a situation, trust flowers. You can never go wrong with a gorgeous flower arrangement. Be it a complete stranger or your mother – flowers make the perfect gift choice.

The easiest way to make someone feel special

Yes, they are the easiest way to make someone feel special. Be it a special occasion or a “just like that” moment, a gift of flowers can instantly brighten up the day for the recipient. And would it not make your heart soar witnessing the joy you just passed on?

Flowers heal

Flowers don’t just express love or gratitude. They also help a person heal by reducing stress and inducing positive feelings. Scientific research reveals that a patient recovering from surgery recovers faster in the presence of flowers.

Floral gifts are great for every budget

Flowers are probably the most economical gift choice. The stalks of colourful blooms are capable of spreading cheer without burning a hole in your pocket. Of course, we are not talking about the expensive exotic flowers imported from far-flung areas. But why choose pricey ones when the low-cost ones can stretch the same upward curve on the recipient’s face?

Eco-friendly gift

Not only economical, but flowers are also eco-friendly gifts. Born of earth, they return to the earth without creating any ecological hazards. And in between, they never fail to spread happiness.

Not to forget self-pampering

As important it is to gift to the people we love, we often miss out on extending the same tender love and care to ourselves. Flowers can be the most convenient way of pampering yourself. So do not shy away from gifting some colourful blooms to you and feel self-love.

Now that you know some of the main reasons we gift flowers, why not cheer up someone today with a bunch of colourful blooms? Check out online flower shops like Pearsons Florist to find your perfect floral gift!

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