Understanding the importance of HBOT for treating health problems


Your body utilizes oxygen in a variety of ways. It travels via your bloodstream to reach cells all over your body. The better your body’s cells and functions perform, the more oxygen you have in your system. Imagine breathing 97 percent oxygen at a far higher atmospheric pressure than you would at sea level. Consider what hyperbaric oxygen can do for you if you think fresh air is healthy for you. For such support and many other reasons,a  hyperbaric oxygen chamber is considered.

Hyperbaric oxygen treatment (HBOT) is exactly what it sounds like. The procedure has been used since at least the late 1800s. It’s best recognized among SCUBA divers for treating decompression sickness, sometimes known as “the bends.”

HBOT has been found to have a variety of biochemical, cellular, and physiologic impacts on the body today.

Cancer Treatment With Hyperbaric Oxygen

To begin with, research has shown that HBOT is not a cancer promoter and may be used safely with cancer patients. Data suggest that HBOT may decrease tumor growth in certain cancer subtypes. When used with other treatments, HBOT can “increase tissue oxygen pressure and prevent cancer resistance, recurrence, and metastasis.

Autism and Hyperbaric Oxygen Therapy

Did you know that Autism spectrum disorder (ASD) affects one out of every 68 children in the United States? ASD is a multifaceted developmental disorder that affects communication and social interaction. While there is no known cure for autism, there are a number of therapy options that can be considered.

There is no particular treatment for ASD that will work for everyone. In reality, because each person is so different, the Autism Society does not recommend any single treatment.

When compared to a control group, children with autism who received HBOT exhibited gains in overall functioning, receptive language, social interaction, eye contact, and sensory/cognitive awareness.

Because it reduces inflammation, improves cerebral hypoperfusion, and controls immunological dysregulation, HBOT is being used as a treatment for ASD.

Stroke Hyperbaric Oxygen Therapy

Strokes are one of the most common causes of long-term impairment. In reality, 40% of stroke survivors have moderate to severe disabilities that necessitate particular attention. The fact that shocked, non-active brain regions might last for years contributes to the difficulty of stroke recovery. In stroke patients with chronic neurologic deficits, HBOT has shown symptoms of activating neuroplasticity.

Sports Injuries and Hyperbaric Oxygen Therapy

A devastating injury is an athlete’s worst nightmare. A serious injury can keep a player out of the game for a season, years, or perhaps their entire life. HBOT can be used to assist athletes to heal more quickly and reduce the risk of re-injury. It has been proposed as a primary or supplemental treatment for sports injuries in scientific literature. Sportsperson are also seen opting for hyperbaric oxygen chamber

HBOT has long-term benefits for injury rehabilitation, such as generating new blood vessels (neovascularization) and promoting collagen formation. In comparison to traditional rehabilitation approaches, researchers say that “results have proven to be promising” in treating sports injuries with HBOT.

Inflammation and Hyperbaric Oxygen Therapy

Inflammation is our body’s natural defense mechanism against infection. Our white blood cells fight bacteria and viruses some of the time, but there are times when there are no foreign invaders to fight. The immune system of our body causes damage to its own tissues in this situation. HBOT has been used to treat a variety of different types of inflammation.

It acts to minimize edema while maintaining enough oxygenation of the tissue. HBOT was found to “significantly reduce inflammation” in patients as evaluated by CRP levels in recent research.

It is quite common that people are on a limited budget which is why they  can generally choose  hyperbaric chamber for sale to keep the expenses under control.



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