Wilting Woes? 6 Tips on Transitioning Plants Indoors for Winter


Whether in your yard or inside your house, breaking out your green thumb can have countless benefits. Plants are attractive and add pleasant pops of color to the landscape or decor. These green-leafed wonders also provide specific health benefits, and caring for them can create a sense of purpose.

Many plants begin to wilt and lose leaves during the winter. While this hibernation is usual for some plants, others won’t survive if given the cold shoulder for too long. In those cases, you’ll need to adapt the plants to live indoors for a few months.

If you’re looking to transition your plants to the great indoors but aren’t sure where to start, these six tips will see you living in a green winter oasis in no time.

Consider fabric pots

Fabric pots provide several advantages over traditional plastic or clay pots. These breathable containers allow for better aeration, improved drainage, and easily accessible air root pruning. Fabric-based pots also make temperature control more manageable and are generally better quality and more durable than traditional pots.

There are several high-quality fabric pots on the market. Providers like GardenTap can offer the planters and tools you need to keep your warm-natured plants happy and healthy.

Don’t bring in any unwanted guests

Before you bring your plants inside, you must scrutinize them. Many unwanted pests may be hiding out on your favorite fern. These pests, among them aphids and mealy worms, can spread from one plant to infect your entire indoor ecosystem, damaging every plant in the process.

Check every stem and leaf with a magnifying glass. Also, pay special attention to the soil for signs of mold or bugs.

Prune and repot

The transition phase from outdoor to indoor is the perfect time to prune and repot your plants. Pruning is a good idea before the transition since it will reduce the amount of space that the plant takes up. Ensure to never remove more than a third of the plant during the pruning process, and prune the roots and the visible portions of the plant.

If you decide to repot the plant, choose a slightly larger pot than the current one.

Let your plants adjust gradually

Moving your plants indoors all at once may result in the plants going into shock. You need to make gradual adjustments to help the plant acclimate to its new environment. Start a few weeks before you plan to move the plants indoors full-time. Bring the plants in at night, then place them back outside during the day. Gradually increase the amount of time the plants spend inside your house each day until they are indoor full-time and you can enjoy the Beauty of calathea plant.

Adjust water and fertilizer appropriately

Remember that indoor conditions are different from outdoor conditions. The amount of water your plant will need will reduce significantly once it lives inside. The amount of fertilizer it requires will also need to adjust.

Let there be light

One significant difference between being outside and being inside is the amount of light your plant will receive each day. To maximize sunlight, place the plants near a window that catches a fair number of rays every day. You might even clean your windows to make sure your plants are receiving the ideal amount of light. South-facing windows are best for plants that love the sunlight, while every other direction will suffice for your low-light lilies.

Wrapping up

Indoor plants provide health benefits and positive energy. At the same time, the transition from outdoor to indoor life can be shocking for a plant, so you want to plan the move carefully and take the best possible care of your leafy friends.

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