Choosing a notary for your civil marriage


Notaries are authorized to officiate a civil marriage. The most significant advantage of this is that you will get personalized legal advice. You can be assured that the rules surrounding the legality of your marriage will be respected. Unlike clerks, notaries are allowed some flexibility. Notaries can officiate a wedding in practically any location chosen by the couple. The officiating notary must accept only the location.

Why choose a Notary?

Civil wedding or mariage civil (for French speakers) are subject to several rules and regulations to ensure their legality. Using a notary as an officiant does have its advantages.

Personal services

The notary can give you personalized advice on various matrimonial regimes. You will have a clearer understanding of the legal consequences of the undertaking. Choosing a notary can also mean personalizing the celebration and adapting it to your needs. Regardless of what religion you and your spouse belong to, a notary can officiate a civil marriage.

Expert advice

You will be making a well-informed decision as to whether or not to enter into a marriage contract. You will have practically all your legal queries answered.

Sets up the right pace for the wedding

Choosing your officiant also happens to be one of the important parts of organizing a civil marriage. It will be this officiant who will set the pace for the ceremony.

Legalization of the wedding

The point of choosing a notary to solemnize your wedding is that in addition to performing the act of legalizing your marriage, he will give you a wealth of legal information regarding getting married and all related matters.

Additional services

Notaries can solemnize weddings faster than courthouses. However, you must select a notary with the required experience and presence to perform the ceremony.

Authorization of the wedding

The notary will be able to explain all the different choices of matrimonial regime you have (a partnership of acquests, separation as to property, the community of property, etc.) and their effects. However, the waiting time at different Courthouses may be a lot longer.

Hassle-free processes

Compared to regular pomp and show weddings, civil ceremonies are way better. There is no running around the guests and randomly posing for the pictures. The cost for food, menu, and venue also comes down. This means civil weddings are simply a plus one in all cases.

Lastly, getting married by a notary means you can have your civil marriage solemnized at a place of your choice, such as a reception hall or even your home or a restaurant. You can also have the kind of ceremony of your own choice, including anecdotal stories, speeches, toasts, etc. Montreal is one of the wedding destinations for couples who want to get married; you can connect Montreal Notary to learn more about the process.


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