Preparing Your Baby to Go Out Into the World: A Guide


Today’s market is saturated with a variety of strollers, all with different features and price tags. Depending on your lifestyle, your stroller will probably be one of your most-used pieces of baby gear. With all these different models in the market, how do you then decide on a type of stroller? What features should you look out for?

To help you answer these and other questions you may have, here’s a quick buying guide you can return to when you’re in the market for a new stroller.


Baby strollers have different features, all ranging from how many children they can hold, price, and utility. Understanding this, doing your research on what’s available in the market is the smartest way to make sure you’re buying the best baby stroller. Today’s strollers are available as travel system strollers, single strollers, double strollers, jogging strollers, and lightweight strollers.

Travel system strollers are great for traveling as they come paired with an infant car seat. These strollers are easily detachable, and this comes in handy when you need to get the stroller into your car. Plus, once your baby outgrows their car seat, this stroller still works well as a stand-alone stroller.

The Britax Travel System is a good choice if you’re constantly on the go. Thoughtful features such as an infant car seat, a front access storage basket, a car seat adapter (to fasten the car seat into the stroller), and an adjustable handlebar make a great travel stroller option.

Lightweight strollers are flexible and come in handy when you’re traveling. However, when compared to regular-sized strollers, their features (smaller canopies and storage space) may seem a bit limited. If you have an active lifestyle, you’ll need a stroller that accommodates this, which is why we recommend the Baby Trend Jogging Stroller. This jogging stroller is packed with a ton of safety features such as an adjustable front wheel, cup holders, a child tray, a five-point safety harness, and a large sun canopy, making it a convenient option for the outdoors.


Strollers can be really pricey, and it’s no wonder that most first-time parents tend to have sticker shock. You would be forgiven for assuming that a higher price tag suggests safer or better stroller quality. While strollers set a higher price point have a variety of additional features (multiple seats, adjustable handlebars, rain covers), these features aren’t always necessary. A less expensive stroller could also give you good value.

If you’re on a budget, these shiny add-ons may feel necessary, but here is when you need to weigh your needs against your wants. You should also know that all new strollers made by reputable brands in the U.S. meet the safety standards set by the United States Safety Commission. Knowing this, while a higher price tag may get you extra accessories, it won’t necessarily make your baby safer when compared to a reasonably priced brand.


Along with knowing which strollers are in the market, you should also learn about features that are available in different strollers so you can choose a stroller whose features make sense for your family. Some features to look out for in a stroller include a sun canopy, weight, foldability, infant car seat compatibility, terrain capacity, and utility.

If you’ll be spending a lot of time outside with your baby, you’ll need a stroller that has a sun canopy, for sun protection. Along with this, if you’re juggling more than one kid, you may also want to consider a stroller that folds easily into your car or on public transportation. Also, keep in mind that strollers that have extra accessories like storage baskets will also weigh more.


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