How to Develop an Engaging Compliance Training Program?


Have you thought about making your compliance training more engaging? Most employees are bored by such training and consider it a burden. Their lack of motivation prevents them from understanding the true reasons behind these programs.

Disengagement from such courses imposes a risk that employees won’t understand their purpose and fail to act compliantly.

Follow the tips below to learn how to develop an engaging compliance training program.

Use multimedia elements

Compliance training in the modern age should make use of multimedia elements. Textbook-style learning can be made more engaging by using animations, vivid images, and videos. Employees are believed to retain the message in a better way by having their senses appealed to. Go here to check out a definition of multimedia elements.

Nevertheless, audio and visual elements shouldn’t be used just for the show. These are supposed to match the context where employees will use the knowledge they have gathered from the training. For instance, make sure the photographs represent the working environment so as for workers to find the presented information more credible. Consequently, learners will easily associate it with the environment where they work and feel more engaged.

Give gamification a try

Another way in which employers can make these courses more engaging is by relying on gamification. By incorporating the learning process as a challenge, game, or quest, it becomes more motivating and engaging for trainees. Workers aren’t just passive recipients of the program but are encouraged to learn more. Through games, learners are rewarded for the information they know.

Moreover, online games are a well-known environment for most learners. Gamification allows trainers to set challenges and targets. The competition element offers motivation to trainees and enables them to move through the program by always trying to reach the next level. Badges can be awarded by employers as a way of recognizing the level of achievement of employees. Employers should consider accepting these badges as part of the career progression and performance reviews of workers.

Give gamification a try

Make the program personal

Another strategy for increasing the relevance of such training is making these programs more personal. The use of stories and scenarios helps employees learn how to behave in the circumstances related to their job positions. It’s essential for the presented information to be targeted at employees performing a specific job role for workers to find it more relevant and helpful in understanding the regulations applied to their position. Go to this URL,, to gain a better insight into the purpose and history of compliance training.

Compliance training can also be personalized through the introduction of individual learning trajectories and targets to staff members. Instead of direct training aimed at all employees, why not allow trainees to navigate their learning path through the program. Personalization is what provides them with motivation and control, similar to the control they have when discovering information on their own.

Use stories and scenarios

Another way in which you can make compliance training programs more engaging is by using stories and scenarios. They must be relevant and believable for learners to really grasp the meaning of the information they’re learning. Storytelling and scenario construction is a powerful strategy for delivering the message of compliance training programs.

In addition, compliance training is not only a legal requirement but also essential for good performance. The aim of these programs is to stimulate employees to implement their knowledge on a daily basis at work. Consequently, realistic and relevant scenarios are necessary for workers to find themselves and learn how to act in different circumstances. Realistic scenarios and stories provide meaning to compliance rules and regulations.

Try micro-learning

Another method to try to make compliance training programs more engaging is micro-learning. This approach involves chunking the learning process into manageable units for trainees to digest and retain information more easily. The majority of online training compliance programs have proven effective due to the introduction of micro-learning. According to cognitive science, repetition is what makes learning likelier to be remembered.

Furthermore, these programs shouldn’t be considered a course but a resource library, which can be re-visited and re-used. Small chunks of information are more available on mobile gadgets, meaning employees can access them at all times. These can be reviewed by employees on their breaks without having to sit training for hours.

Improve access

Last but not least, employers should invest their best efforts to make compliance programs more accessible. They shouldn’t be conducted in a classroom but moved online. These programs should be made available on mobile gadgets on various platforms for employees to check information wherever they are. They will pull the information they need when necessary.

Final thoughts

The impact of compliance training is increased by making it meaningful and engaging.

Make it more relevant!


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