Is Your Birth Injury Lawyer The Right Choice?


Giving birth to a child is extremely complicated. Parents-to-be want to do everything to ensure that there are no complications and their baby is healthy and safe. They stand on their toes through the whole pregnancy period to be ready for anything. But to their dismay, finding out something ominous happened during or after the delivery often becomes a reality. Some minor bruising and injuries are inevitable during childbirth. The problem occurs when there are serious incidents of severe birth injuries.

The thought that all of this could have been avoided makes it more excruciating. The negligence of the medical professionals, doctors, nurses, and support staff can lead to lasting damage and render the baby live a less than normal life. Common birth injuries in babies include bone fractures, spinal cord damage, facial paralysis, cerebral palsy, intracranial hemorrhage, etc. If your child sustained a birth injury and you believe that the negligence of the medical team is to be blamed, you can file a birth injury lawsuit against the responsible people and organization.

Why Do You Need To Have A Birth Injury Lawyer By Your Side?

The diagnosis of birth injury in your child is harrowing. But at the same time, the treatment is extremely expensive, and in some cases of severe damage, it spans over the years. It can be difficult for parents to pay for the cost of treatment through the kid’s life, especially when they have other kids to take care of and family responsibilities to fulfill.

A birth injury attorney can assist you in filing the case and demand compensation for the negligence. The money helps the parents pay for the medical bills and develop a mechanism for the normal living of the child. But how will you know the person you choose is the right attorney for you? Here is a checklist to help you find the right lawyer.

Prior Experience Of The Lawyer

Birth injury lawsuits are considered one of the most complicated personal injury claims. Therefore, you need an experienced attorney to fight your claim. Hiring ANY lawyer experienced in personal injury lawsuits might be the gravest mistake you can make. Moreover, just because someone practices personal injury claims does not make them eligible for a medical malpractice birth injury lawsuit.

As much as the number of hours spent on the courtroom floor is important, their relevant working experience is important too. You must enquire if fighting birth injury lawsuits is their sole area of work or do they work on all kinds of personal injury lawsuits.

Prior Work On Similar Birth Injury Claims

Now that you know your lawyer works on birth injury claims, find out if they work on similar cases as yours too. Just like subsets in personal injury law, there are subcategories of birth injuries too. For example, if your child suffers from cerebral palsy, the lawyer must have fought and won cases involving cerebral palsy. If so, such a lawyer will have the best tactics to win the case for you.

Compassion And Respect

Competent lawyers know the emotional toll and the excruciating pain the parents go through. So they are well aware of the emotional aspect of the case too. Moreover, they are also familiar with the financial struggles of the family. So, the right lawyer will clearly display their understanding of your matter through their words and actions. In their commitment to providing you with justice, they work honestly and try to wind up the case in the least possible time. It also means that they charge responsible rates for the counsel and do not make promises that they cannot fulfill.

Engage With A Law Firm

Some lawyers work alone, while others work under a law firm. A birth injury lawyer working with a law firm is a better choice than one working alone. You can verify the reputation and performance of the law firm much more easily. Moreover, such lawyers have extensive resources at their disposal to help them draft the document. Their teams of attorneys and paralegals collect the medical documents, manage depositions, and research previous malpractice records of the responsible people.

Contingency Fee Plans

Lawyers working on personal injury claims charge their fee by a contingency fee plan. In this plan, they only get paid when they finally receive the compensation for the family. The same is the case for a birth injury lawsuit. Parents struggling to meet the cost of their baby’s treatment must not be burdened with the additional cost of filing a lawsuit. Therefore, find a lawyer that does not demand any upfront fee. If the lawyer fails to recover compensation, the family is not liable to pay any fee to the attorney.

Birth injury claims can be very traumatizing. How painful it is to fight for the rights of a child who was just born. This emotional side of this lawsuit requires you to have the right lawyer by your side who can conclude the case as soon as possible. Consider the above-mentioned factor when hiring a lawyer to ensure you are not conned by the big claims of those who have no regard for human dignity and pain.

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