CRM Integration Is How You Get The Most Out of Your New Dynamics NAV ERP


CRM-ERP integration has been vital to the success of many companies. CRMs, or customer relationship management software, are crucial to handling the “customer-facing” side of business. ERPs, or enterprise resource planning software, are designed to streamline everything happening behind the scenes. Salesforce and Dynamics NAV have long been metaphorical titans in their respective industries, and while no one-size-fits-all program exists, Salesforce and the Dynamics product suite are often the metric by which other ERP and CRM offerings are judged. However, no matter how good each is individually, they are both improved by complete data integration with one another. Read on to find out a little more about Dynamics NAV, Salesforce, and how data integration lets you get the most out of your ERP and CRM solutions.

The Synergistic Qualities of Microsoft Dynamics and Salesforce

Microsoft Dynamics NAV started as a solution developed by a company called Navision before it was bought in the early 2000s by Microsoft, who incorporated it into its suite of ERP products. Dynamics NAV quickly became popular as a powerful, efficient, and user-friendly ERP software that was robust yet flexible and scalable enough to be useful to companies large and small.

Salesforce, meanwhile, is a somewhat newer program, dating back to 1999. Salesforce’s goal has always been sales force automation—it’s right there in the name. Salesforce excels as a cloud-based software that focuses on client and customer data collection, storage, and management.

Companies often use these two programs together, because their functions complement one another. While software exists that merges both CRM and ERP capabilities, they generally lack the range, quality, support, and years of experience that have gone into Dynamics NAV and Salesforce.

Why is it So Important to Integrate My CRM and ERP Solutions?

What exactly does CRM-ERP integration do? Why is it important? CRM-ERP integration is the process by which the two softwares are made to “speak” to one another, allowing them to pool their respective data silos. There are a few different data integration technologies, but at the end of the day, their goal is always the same: streamline a company’s daily business operations, prepare them for growth, and cut down on horizontal redundancy and human error. The best data integration method will vary based on a business’s size and need, but with integration experts like Rapidi at your side, data integration doesn’t have to be a headache. In the past, data integration projects were commonly understood to be time-consuming, arduous, expensive, and disruptive. However, data integration technology, like most technology, has continued to improve by leaps and bounds, and an experienced data integration solution can be deployed in a matter of days.

Why is this important? Well, data integration paves the way for company growth. CRM-ERP automation frees up employees to focus on more important tasks, like new projects (or anything requiring a creative human touch). Integration not only saves an enormous amount of time, but also means superior business intelligence and analytics, while correlating strongly with improved customer service and satisfaction. There’s no doubt about it; data integration just makes good business sense.

What Should I Know Before Embarking on My ERP-CRM Integration Project?

Before you integrate, it’s important to have an idea of what you and your company want and need from the integration process. What information is the most valuable? Which data deserves prioritization? In this case, “more data” is not necessarily better; it helps to be specific about the data you want to collect. And where is that data coming from? How is it going to be used? What kind of analysis will that data be used for, and how often will those reports be updated? Once you and your team-mates have answered these questions, you’ll want to research the types of integration systems, and the pros and cons of each. The best solution will be cost-effective and efficient, as well as secure and scalable. You’ll want a platform that can grow with you down the line, and you’ll want to ensure that it’s robust and secure, keeping your precious data safe from prying eyes.

Why Choose Rapidi?

Rapidi is a company of data integration and data replication experts that have been pioneers of the industry for nearly thirty years. Their proprietary integration solution, RapidiOnline, has been optimized for decades according to best business practices. Rapidi’s expertise extends not only to the Microsoft Dynamics product suite, but also to Salesforce, and many popular ERPs and CRMs available on the market today; even legacy editions!

While Rapidi has many solutions that are ready to go “out of the box”, if nothing seems to fit quite right, Rapidi’s team-members can work alongside you to craft a custom solution that ticks all of your boxes. RapidiOnline is robust, efficient, and safe; all information that passes through RapidiOnline is compressed and encrypted from beginning to end-point, so your data is safe from malicious outside forces. Still unsure if Rapidi is right for your business? Click here to learn more.


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