Fun Ways to Unleash Your Inner Artist


It can be incredibly easy to get stuck in a rut, which is why it’s so important for everyone to have some form of creative outlet. You don’t need to be particularly skilled with a pencil to create great art, there are so many options for potential new hobbies (or even business ventures) which don’t include drawing still life, reminiscent of a stuffy art classroom. Below, you will find a number of accessible and fun ways to unleash your inner artist and allow yourself that creative outlet which we all crave.

Epoxy resin art

Possibly one of the most versatile art forms, epoxy resin art allows you to create small trinkets such as bowls and jewelry. You can even use it for furniture restoration – there is so much that can be achieved. Mixing the epoxy resin is possibly the hardest aspect and may seem a little intimidating at first, but once you’ve mastered that relatively simple step, you’re presented with infinite possibilities for your artwork. After some practice, many people have even begun to sell their wares turning their hobby into a job. Epoxy resin art is becoming increasingly popular, and it shows no signs of slowing down or losing appeal any time soon.


Formerly associated only with grandmas in rocking chairs, crocheting has become an increasingly popular hobby in the last decade. This popular pastime is even said to have changed lives due to the soothing nature of the hobby. It is also quite easy to pick up – you only need to learn a few stitches before you’re ready to create your first masterpiece. Crochet is also becoming more common as a trend in the fashion world with celebrities and influencers often snapped wearing it. The ability to make your own clothing (and other things, such as stuffed animals and blankets) is increasingly appealing, especially during the winter months.


Possibly the most straightforward art form there is to learn, tie-dye is a brilliant way to unleash your creativity without having to spend hours learning a new skill. The most fun part of tie-dye art though is that each piece will be totally unique due to the nature of the art form. Tie-dye also isn’t just confined to t-shirts – most items made with natural fibers such as cotton, rayon, hemp and linen are perfect for tie-dye experimentation, meaning you can even customize your own shoes.



Scrapbooking is another creative outlet where you don’t need to learn a particular skill to do it. You could create montages of wonderful family memories, or even just create pages filled with your favorite things. The possibilities are endless, and scrapbooking allows you the opportunity to really show off your individuality. You can even create multiple scrapbooks, each with a different theme. They can be totally personal or a really thoughtful gift for a loved one. If words are more your thing you can even look into bullet journaling, a similar craft where you can create beautiful (and useful) pages using just pens.

It is important to have a creative outlet, even if you don’t consider yourself particularly artistic. Art isn’t confined to realistic drawings or paintings, there are so many mediums of art out there that there is bound to be something suitable for everyone. You can’t go wrong with a wholesome hobby such as the ones mentioned in this article. It’s also a bonus that they’re all relatively affordable – and most even afford the opportunity to branch out and potentially sell your wares should you feel inclined to. These beginner-friendly art forms are sure to spark inspiration and have the ability to unleash the inner artist in everyone.


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