The Sports Nutrition Guide


The number of nutritional supplements and different types of sports nutrition has long ago crossed all reasonable boundaries. Even experienced runners are not always aware of the side effects and effectiveness of drugs. Here, we will try to help beginners to navigate the world of sports nutrition and supplements, and the rest – to show what, how, and when works.

BCAAs (L-leucine, L-isoleucine, L-valine, L-carnitine tartrate, L-alanine, L-carnosine)

The physiological protein intake for a healthy individual with an average level of activity is 0.8 to 1 gram per kilogram of body weight per day. At active loads, this rate is increased to 1.5-2 grams.

One additional source of protein is a sports drink, particularly BCAA (branched chained amino acids) – the amino acids leucine, valine, and isoleucine.

These amino acids reduce mental and physical fatigue during exercise and improve thinking functions afterward (it may even be easier to work).

Also, taking BCAAs can improve athletic performance during hot climates or competitions when the central component of fatigue plays an important role.

BCAAs are found in most high-protein foods: chicken and turkey fillets, beef, eggs, tuna, and salmon.

Arginine (L-arginine base)

According to the promise of sports nutrition manufacturers, arginine improves blood circulation and athletic performance by increasing nitric oxide production. A side effect is an improvement in erections, it’s like with Viagra, but not as strong, running doesn’t interfere.

Arginine also helps to build muscle mass by increasing the production of somatotropin (growth hormone).

Scientists have confirmed the ability of arginine to improve athletic performance when taken over for at least a week. They did not find any effect when taken once before a competition. Arginine has also not been shown to speed up weight gain in bodybuilders.

In healthy individuals, the need for arginine is covered by its synthesis in the body.

Additional sources of arginine are seeds (pumpkin, sunflower, sesame), nuts, peanuts, parmesan, fish, chicken, turkey, and legumes. You may need these when you have an increased need for arginine or during severe stress and illness when the synthesis of the amino acid is hampered.


Glutamine is an amino acid that is involved in the formation of the immune response, the transmission of nerve impulses from neurons to muscles, and the synthesis of other amino acids.

Glutamine is found in most foods, especially meat, seafood, fish, and legumes, and our bodies can synthesize it, so taking glutamine supplements to compensate for its deficiency is pointless.

But it is believed that its additional amount improves recovery from exercise and prevents the loss of muscle mass.

According to studies, glutamine does work. It reduces fatigue (without improving speed) and speeds up recovery (although the study was conducted on a group of firefighters, what’s not to run in a hot climate?). In another study, a combination of leucine and glutamine accelerated recovery from eccentric exercise.

For healthy people, glutamine is pretty safe – taking it at a dose of 0.1 g/kg 4 times a day (several times the manufacturer’s recommendation) for two weeks did not harm your health.


Sildenafil (Viagra) is a popular remedy for improving erectile function in men, but recently this drug has found wider use in both medicine and bodybuilding.

Many people think that Viagra is just another nitrogen donor, but this is not true. It does affect NO levels, but it does dilate the blood vessels in the muscles. Whereas true nitric oxide donators increase NO levels, which increases the concentration of cellular cGMP, triggering a cascade of reactions that ultimately leads to the relaxation of the vascular wall. Viagra blocks the enzyme phosphodiesterase-5, which breaks down cGMP, so its concentration also begins to increase, and the same result is obtained.

Several advantages make the use of Viagra in bodybuilding the most promising. The drug slightly lowers blood pressure, has a positive effect on the heart, effectively improves blood flow in the muscles, and causes a minimum of side effects. To buy Viagra go to .


Carnitine is not an amino acid. It is a substance similar in structure to the B vitamins, but it is not essential, because it is synthesized in the body.

Supposedly improves oxygen uptake by cells and delivery of nutrients to tissues by improving microcirculation.

Studies have shown that taking 3 to 4 grams of L-carnitine at least once an hour before exercise helps to delay the onset of fatigue and that 3 grams increase the production of nitric oxide, the same nitrogen that dilates blood vessels and is contained in beet juice, and has antioxidant properties.

Studies on long-term supplementation with carnitine look more encouraging – it improves blood flow in the muscles and reduces muscle damage after exercise, helps to maintain and build muscle mass, and in older people, inhibits muscle degradation (detailed here and here).

Long-term (24 weeks in the study) carnitine supplementation can add up to 11% to exercise performance.


Chemically, inosine is a nucleotide involved in the synthesis of ATP, the main source of energy in cells and the transport of oxygen.

Sufficient amounts are found in normal foods and are synthesized by the body.

Sports nutritionists promise that taking inosine supplements will improve your speed and strength by increasing ATP production.

Adjust your diet and supplements according to your activity, take breaks in your intake, alternate between different types of drugs, and consult a specialist.

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