What to Do If Your Dog Accidentally Eats Your Edibles


If you have a dog and have edibles in the house, it’s essential to be aware of the potential risks that come with these products. Dogs are naturally curious creatures and can quickly get into food or products not intended for them. If your dog accidentally eats your edibles, it is important to act quickly. In this article, we’ll discuss what to do if your dog accidentally eats your edibles and how to best keep your pet safe.

Are Edibles Toxic to Dogs?

Edibles can be toxic to dogs, as they typically contain ingredients that are not meant for canine consumption. This includes high levels of THC, the active ingredient in marijuana, which can cause severe side effects in dogs. Additionally, many edibles contain ingredients that can be harmful to dogs, such as chocolate, macadamia nuts, and xylitol. If your dog accidentally eats an edible, it’s crucial to seek veterinary attention as soon as possible.

The effects of edibles on dogs can range from mild to severe, depending on the size of the dog, the type of edible consumed, and how much was consumed. Common symptoms of edible toxicity in dogs include lethargy, vomiting, diarrhea, and changes in behavior. It’s also important to note that some edibles may contain high levels of sugar, which can be quite dangerous for dogs if consumed in large amounts.

What to Do When Your Dog Eats Your Edibles

If your dog accidentally eats your edibles, the first thing you should do is remain calm. Do not panic; this could cause your dog to become agitated and further complicate the situation. You should also avoid scolding your dog, as this could make them stressed and potentially increase their chances of negatively reacting to the edibles.

You should then contact your veterinarian for advice. Your vet will be able to guide you on how to proceed and may suggest that you bring your dog in for a checkup. Depending on the number of edibles your dog has consumed, your vet may suggest that you induce vomiting or monitor your pet for any signs of illness. You should also consider calling the ASPCA Animal Poison Control Center if your dog shows any symptoms of illness. Additionally, you should ensure that your dog cannot access any more edibles in the future.

How to Prevent Your Dog from Getting into Your Edibles

The first step to preventing your dog from getting into your edibles is to store them securely. Edibles should be kept in a sealed, airtight container in a cool, dark place. This will keep them away from curious noses and mouths. Consider using a lockable cupboard or drawer if you don’t want to store them in a container. Additionally, keeping edibles out of reach of your pet is important. Make sure to place them in an area that your dog cannot easily access.

Another way to prevent your dog from getting into your edibles is to use caution when consuming them. Do not leave edibles sitting out; dispose of any wrappers or packaging immediately. Also, be careful not to leave edibles within your pet’s reach. If you have guests over, remind them not to leave snacks on the ground or table where your pet can get to them. You can help keep your dog safe from consuming any potentially dangerous edibles with a few simple steps.

Final Thoughts

Taking edibles is perfectly fine and can even help you feel more relaxed. However, if you have dogs, keeping your edibles away from them is important, as pets and edibles don’t mix. Be a responsible dog parent by taking the necessary steps to prevent your dog from accessing your stash. If your dog does end up eating your edibles, don’t panic. Try to remain calm and contact your vet as soon as possible to ensure your dog’s safety. Proper precautions and careful monitoring allow you to have an enjoyable edible experience without endangering your furry friend.

Have a safe and enjoyable edible experience with the help of Plus Products THC gummies. PLUS is a California-based cannabis company that aims to harness the power of the plant in order to produce functional, flavorful cannabis products that enhance your daily life.



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