Could Bicarb Really Whiten Your Teeth?


For years now, thousands of home remedy sites have promoted one particular ingredient often found in cupboards for helping to naturally whiten teeth – and that’s bicarb. This white powder is made up of several other ingredients including baking soda, and after extensive studies, it was discovered that the gritty formulation can actually act as a bleaching agent when exposed to teeth, minus the bleach. As a result, countless people have been searching their homes and grocery stores for this helpful little pot that when added to toothpaste, can provide an extra level of cleaning and polishing, but does it really work and how long does it take?

Using Bicarb to Whiten Your Teeth

If you don’t feel like booking a dentist in Palm Coast, Florida right now, and want to see if you can whiten your teeth naturally, then bicarb could be the solution that you’ve been searching for. It’s made up of fine grains of powder that work as an active ingredient when added to food. It’s this potential as a catalyst that can help to break down stains on the teeth and promote a smoother, whiter smile.

Is It Really the Miracle That It’s Cracked Up to Be?

Yes and no. Yes, bicarb really can whiten your teeth, but there are limitations to what it is capable of doing. When exposed to water, or a liquid substance in general, the powder will act as a catalyst, with millions of tiny, atomic-sized reactions taking place on any surface that it’s exposed to. That’s why people use it to remove surface stains on the floor, or general discoloration around the home.

It’s often gentle enough to be scrubbed right into a soft surface such as furniture upholstery, whilst being strong enough to break down the unwanted colors that lead to staining. The same applies to your teeth – and that’s where the limitations start to make themselves known. Yes, bicarb is a great way to tackle stains that cover the enamel of your teeth, but it simply isn’t capable of going any deeper.

The amount of time to see a difference can vary from person to person, but in general, results can take up to 6 weeks for the slightest improvement. That’s why it’s a better idea to visit a dentist and have teeth treated professionally, than to run the risk of over-exposure to chemicals at home, even for a quick fix.

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