How To Choose Healthcare Barcode Scanners


Patient data and inventory management in the evolving healthcare sector is no small task. Here, barcode scanners are instrumental in this management, streamlining workflows, curbing errors, and bolstering overall efficiency. But, with an abundance of choices, selecting the appropriate healthcare barcode scanner can feel overwhelming.

In this piece, we delve into ten critical elements to consider when choosing a healthcare barcode scanner. To set the stage, let’s glance at some regional stats. A Future Market Insights report forecasts the barcode scanner market to grow to a whopping US$ 16.86 billion by 2033. This underlines the importance of making well-informed investments in healthcare barcode scanners. With that said, let’s help you choose healthcare barcode scanners.

1. Appraising Barcode Compatibility and Scanning Potential

A suitable healthcare barcode scanner must be equipped to interpret a variety of barcode symbologies, such as 1D and 2D barcodes. Moreover, it should comfortably scan barcodes from diverse surfaces like labels, wristbands, and even smartphone screens.

Also, don’t forget to weigh the scanner’s scanning range and speed. The right fit may be a scanner with a more extended range or higher speed, depending on your institution’s demands. In a bustling hospital, a scanner with a longer scanning range allows healthcare professionals to scan barcodes from afar, minimizing physical contact and ramping up efficiency.

In terms of barcode compatibility and scanning ability, it’s a good practice to put the scanner through its paces with the particular barcodes used in your facility. This verifies the scanner’s ability to accurately read your commonly used barcodes. For reliable and consistent results, you can rely on healthcare scanners from Codecorp, which can take your institution’s efficiency and patient safety up a notch.

2. Decoding Barcode Scanner Types

Different types of barcode scanners come with their own pros and cons. It’s crucial to decode these types for a well-rounded decision.

Barcode scanners essentially come in three variants: handheld scanners, presentation scanners, and mobile computers with built-in scanners. Handheld scanners, with their versatility, fit into various healthcare scenarios. Presentation scanners are your go-to for high-volume scanning at fixed spots, say, hospital reception desks. Mobile computers with built-in scanners blend the portability of a handheld device with the added functionality of a computer.

When it comes to picking a healthcare barcode scanner, consider your facility’s specific needs and the scanner’s intended usage. For instance, a mobile computer with a built-in scanner might be the best bet for your facility if it demands mobility and real-time data access.

3. Emphasizing Durability and Hygiene

Healthcare environments can be tough. Barcode scanners here face various challenges like falls, spills, and recurrent disinfection. Hence, durability and cleanliness are critical when choosing a healthcare barcode scanner.

Scanners with rugged designs and strengthened housings that can withstand rough conditions are worth considering. These tend to endure accidental falls and impacts, thereby promising a longer lifespan and eliminating frequent replacements.

In any healthcare setting, cleanliness is paramount. Barcode scanners should be easy to clean and disinfect without hindering their performance. Opt for scanners with antimicrobial coatings or those made from materials that can withstand potent cleaning agents, ensuring a hygienic and secure environment.

4. Wireless Connectivity and Integration Potential

Seamless data transmission and compatibility with existing healthcare systems hinge on wireless connectivity and integration potential. Barcode scanners supporting wireless technologies like Bluetooth or Wi-Fi are preferable. They facilitate real-time data exchange, do away with manual data input, and cut down the risk of errors.

Equally vital are the integration capabilities since barcode scanners need to mesh with various healthcare systems, such as electronic health records (EHR) or inventory management systems. The chosen barcode scanner should integrate effortlessly with your current systems, thereby limiting disruptions and enhancing efficiency.

5. Assessing Life and Charging Alternatives

In an environment where barcode scanners are in constant use throughout the day, battery life is key. Scanners with longer battery life are desirable to reduce downtime for recharging. Also, consider the charging alternatives available, like docking stations or fast-charging features, to ensure continuous usage.

6. Factoring in Ergonomics and User-Friendliness

Given that healthcare professionals depend on barcode scanners throughout their shifts, these devices should be comfortable to use over extended periods. Scanners with ergonomic designs that minimize strain on the user’s hand and wrist are worth looking into. Attributes like lightweight build, comfortable grips, and thoughtful button placements can enhance user comfort and productivity.

User-friendliness is also a crucial factor, particularly in the demanding healthcare environment. Scanners with intuitive interfaces and straightforward controls are ideal. They simplify the learning process for healthcare professionals, enabling them to concentrate on patient care rather than grapple with intricate scanner operations.

7. Importance of Support and Maintenance

When you’re procuring healthcare barcode scanners, remember to weigh the level of support and maintenance that the manufacturer provides. Look out for manufacturers that provide extensive customer support, including technical help, and offer prompt repairs or replacements when necessary. Furthermore, the availability of software updates and firmware upgrades ensures your barcode scanner stays current with the latest features and security enhancements.

8. Keeping an Eye on Costs

Though cost shouldn’t be the only deciding factor, your budget is an essential aspect when selecting healthcare barcode scanners. Analyze the total cost of ownership, incorporating initial costs, ongoing maintenance charges, and potential productivity benefits. It’s worth noting that opting for high-quality, robust scanners could lead to long-term cost savings by reducing frequent replacements.

9. Staying Compliant with Regulations

In the realm of healthcare, adhering to regulatory standards is of paramount importance. Make sure the barcode scanner you select complies with pertinent regulations, such as the Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (HIPAA) in the United States. Staying compliant ensures the security and privacy of patient data, safeguarding both your facility and your patients.

10. Valuing Reviews and Recommendations

Finally, take the time to read reviews and request suggestions from other healthcare professionals acquainted with the barcode scanners you’re evaluating. Their input can offer valuable details about different scanners’ performance, reliability, and user satisfaction levels.


Choosing the right healthcare barcode scanner is a critical decision that can significantly impact the efficiency and accuracy of healthcare operations. By considering factors such as barcode scanner types, compatibility, durability, wireless connectivity, ergonomics, and cost, healthcare facilities can make informed choices that align with their specific needs.

Remember to prioritize the unique requirements of your facility and seek recommendations from trusted sources. With the right healthcare barcode scanner, you can enhance patient care, streamline processes, and improve overall operational efficiency.

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