Tips for Moving a Cat to a New Apartment


Moving to a new apartment can be quite a challenging experience, and it’s even more complex when you have a cat. Cats are territorial creatures and can find changes in their environment quite stressful. Here’s an expanded guide to help you ensure a smooth transition for your feline friend to a new home.

Finding the Right Apartment

When looking for an apartment that’s best suited for a cat, there are several key factors to consider. Cats have unique needs and behaviors, so certain features in an apartment can significantly enhance their well-being and happiness. Here’s what to look for:

  1. Safe Outdoor Access (If Applicable): If you have an outdoor cat or one that enjoys fresh air, look for apartments with a secure balcony or patio. Ensure it’s safe and enclosed so your cat can’t escape or fall. For indoor cats, a window with a secure screen that they can sit by can provide entertainment and fresh air without the risks of being outside.
  2. Sufficient Space: Cats need space to roam, play, and explore. Look for an apartment with enough room for your cat to move around freely. This is especially important if you have more than one cat.
  3. Vertical Space: Cats love to climb and observe their surroundings from a height. Apartments with high ceilings or space for cat trees or wall shelves can be very appealing to feline friends.
  4. Quiet and Peaceful Environment: Cats can be sensitive to noise. A quieter apartment, away from loud street noise or noisy neighbors, can make a more comfortable and stress-free environment for your cat.
  5. Natural Light: Cats enjoy basking in the sun. An apartment with good natural lighting or sunny spots where your cat can lounge will be appreciated.
  6. Carpet vs. Hardwood Floors: While hardwood floors are easier to clean, especially when dealing with fur or accidents, carpets provide a softer surface for cats to walk on and can be more comfortable for them to lounge and play on. If choosing a carpeted apartment, consider the ease of cleaning the type of carpeting.
  7. Pet-Friendly Policies: Ensure the apartment has a clear, cat-friendly policy. Some apartments may have restrictions on the number or breed of cats allowed, and others may require a pet deposit or additional monthly rent.
  8. Secure Windows and Screens: Cats can be curious and may risk jumping out of open windows. Check that the apartment has secure windows and screens to prevent any dangerous falls.
  9. Location: Consider the location of the apartment complex. Is it near busy roads or potential hazards for outdoor cats? Is there a nearby vet clinic, pet store, or cat-friendly amenities?
  10. Non-Toxic Plants and Materials: If the apartment comes with plants or you plan to add your own, ensure they are non-toxic to cats. Similarly, be mindful of any potentially harmful materials in the apartment that a cat might chew on or ingest.

Choosing the right apartment for your cat involves balancing their needs with your preferences and lifestyle. A cat-friendly apartment will not only keep your cat healthy and safe but also ensure they are happy and content in their home environment.  Now let look at what to prepare for when you are ready for the big move. Also check out cat towers nz as well.

woman holding her cat

1. Pre-Move Preparation

Acclimatize Your Cat to Moving Supplies Introduce moving boxes, packing materials, and other supplies gradually. Allow your cat to explore and sniff these items to become accustomed to them. This can help minimize anxiety related to seeing these unfamiliar objects.

2. Establishing a Safe Haven

Create a Calm and Secure Space:  Set aside a quiet room in your current home where your cat can retreat from the moving chaos. Equip this space with their favorite bed, toys, and other familiar items to provide a sense of safety and normalcy.

Provide a Familiar Refuge in the New Place:  In the new apartment, allocate a quiet room as the cat’s initial territory. Equip it with all their necessities—litter box, food, water, and familiar items. This can be a sanctuary for your cat as they slowly adapt to their new environment.

3. Familiarity in the New Environment

Set Up a Comforting Area in the New Apartment:  Prioritize setting up a space in the new apartment with your cat’s beloved items—bedding, toys, and litter box. This familiar setup will help ease the transition and offer comfort amidst the new surroundings.

4. Secure Transportation

Safety First During the Move:  Use a sturdy, comfortable carrier for transporting your cat. It should be spacious enough for your cat to move around and have proper ventilation. Familiarize your cat with the carrier beforehand by placing it in your current home with the door open, allowing your cat to explore it.

5. Minimizing Travel Stress

Reduce Anxiety During the Journey:  Place a blanket or item with your scent in the carrier. Consider using feline pheromone sprays or diffusers in the carrier to help calm your cat. Also, maintain a comfortable temperature in the vehicle and avoid loud music or noises.

6. Acclimating to the New Space

Gradual Introduction to the New Apartment:  Initially, keep your cat in their carrier to get used to the new apartment’s sounds and smells. Then, allow them to explore the designated safe room. Gradually increase their access to other parts of the apartment over several days.

7. Controlled Exploration

Supervise Your Cat’s Discovery of the New Apartment:  Allow your cat to explore the new space under your supervision. Initially, limit their access to one or two rooms to prevent them from feeling overwhelmed. Gradually open up more of the apartment as they become more comfortable.

8. Provide Emotional Support

Understand and Comfort Your Cat:  Pay attention to your cat’s behavior and provide reassurance through gentle petting, treats, and playtime. Be patient as they adjust at their own pace. Some cats may hide or act out due to stress; try to be understanding and comforting.

9. Utilizing Professional Assistance

Seek Help from Moving Experts When Needed:  Consider employing a professional moving service that is experienced in handling pets. Companies like Paradise Moving can offer valuable assistance in safely transporting your belongings and ensuring a smooth move for you and your cat.

10. Update Identification and Vet Records

Ensuring Your Cat’s Safety Post-Move:  After the move, it’s crucial to update your cat’s identification. This includes changing the address on their microchip registration and updating any tags with your new contact information. Additionally, locate a new veterinarian near your new home and transfer your cat’s medical records. This step is vital for your cat’s safety and well-being, ensuring that they can be promptly identified and returned to you if they ever get lost in the new environment, and that their healthcare is uninterrupted.


Relocating with a cat requires careful planning and consideration for their well-being. By taking these steps, you can help mitigate stress and ensure a more comfortable adjustment for your cat to their new home. Remember, each cat is unique, so tailoring these steps to suit your cat’s personality and needs is essential for a successful move.

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