Tips to Maintain Carpets after Professional Carpet Cleaning


The carpet cleaners just left, and the floors look practically brand new. Is it possible to keep them looking this clean and fresh? Absolutely! Proper care after a professional carpet cleaning keeps stains at bay and extends the life of all types of carpet, from plush to Berber.

Not only does a well-maintained carpet enhance a room’s visual appeal, but it contributes to a healthy indoor environment. After scheduling a deep carpet cleaning from our new Katy location, it’s necessary to take good care of them to keep them in great shape. However, many homeowners don’t know where to begin. Here are some valuable tips for maintaining carpets long after the cleaners leave:

Tip 1: Steer Clear of Damp Carpets

After a professional carpet cleaning, redirect shoes, pets, and curious toddlers away from the clean floors. Professionals use high-powered equipment and cleaning solutions that can leave the carpets damp. Carpets need to dry completely before regular foot traffic can resume. Adequate drying time will help prevent mold, mildew, or unpleasant odors from forming.

Newer carbonation-based cleaning solutions use less water than traditional cleaning products. Carpets dry in a fraction of the time, and homeowners don’t have to worry about mold or mildew.

Tip 2: Vacuum Frequently

Regular vacuuming is essential for maintaining carpets after a professional cleaning. Vacuuming removes surface dirt, dust, and debris. It also prevents dirt from embedding deep into the carpet fibers and leaving behind unwanted stains. Vacuum at least once a week, focusing on high-traffic areas. Those with pets or kids should consider vacuuming more frequently. For even better results, buy a high-quality vacuum with helpful attachments.

Looking for an easier way to vacuum? Homeowners are busier than ever, and finding time to clean isn’t always easy. If this sounds familiar, consider investing in a robot vacuum. These state-of-the-art machines maneuver around furniture, picking up debris in their path. Best of all, homeowners can automate these smart vacuums to run on a set schedule.

Tip 3: Add a Few Area Rugs

Do the carpets in your entryway and living room get dirty faster than in other rooms? Consider placing rugs or mats in these high-traffic areas to help maintain carpets after a deep cleaning. Area rugs act as a barrier, preventing dirt and debris from reaching the carpet. Rugs are also easier to clean. Regularly shaking, beating, or vacuuming these mats is all it takes to remove excess dirt or debris.

Area rugs are more than dirt blockers. They also add to a home’s ambiance. Rugs come in all shapes, sizes, and colors, making it easy to spruce up a home’s interior with little effort. It’s no wonder why some homeowners change out their area rugs seasonally.

Tip 4: Clean Up Spills Promptly

Clean Up Spills Promptly

Are you nervous about drinking soda or Kool-Aid near the freshly cleaned carpet? No matter how careful a homeowner is, spills happen. However, that doesn’t mean stains are inevitable. After a spill or accident, blot the spill gently with a clean cloth or paper towel to soak up as much liquid as possible. Try not to rub the area, as this can spread the stain. Cleaning a spill before it has a chance to dry is the best way to keep the carpet looking like new.

Some spills are more stubborn than others. Red wine, coffee, pet waste, and oil are known for leaving unsightly stains. To remove these unwanted spits, use a carpet stain remover or a mixture of mild detergent and water. Always test any cleaning solution on a small, inconspicuous area first to ensure it won’t damage the carpet fibers.

Tip 5: Try Carpet Grooming

Regular carpet grooming helps maintain the carpet’s appearance and prevents the fibers from matting. Use a carpet rake or brush to fluff up and reset the fibers. Grooming is an instant face-lift for carpets! This simple practice is also a great way to remove pet hair and other small debris that might be lodged deep within the carpet.

Extend the Results of Professional Carpet Cleaning

It’s possible to keep carpets looking great between professional cleanings. A combination of regular cleaning, prompt stain removal, and protective measures will ensure your floors stay cleaner for longer. Following these tips will ensure your carpets remain fresh, clean, and visually appealing long after the cleaners leave.

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