Signs Your Minn Kota Trolling Motor Needs Repairs


A Minn Kota trolling motor is a type of boat motor that can be installed on freshwater or saltwater boats to give your boat the power it needs to move on the waterways. If your motor is not working correctly, you may need to find Minn Kota trolling motor parts to make the repairs that your motor needs to continue to function. However, many boat owners are torn between repairing their motor or simply replacing it. Here are some of the signs that your motor may need repairs, rather than replacement.

The Propeller Is Bent or Dented

One of the most common types of damage that can occur with any type of boat motor is damage to the propeller. If the propeller hits a rock or debris, it can become bent or dented. Unfortunately, when this happens, it may not function properly. Fortunately, not only is this one of the most common repairs boat owners may need, but it’s one of the easiest repairs to make on your own, as long as you purchase a replacement propeller and nut to attach it.

The Wiring Is Corroded or Fraying

Another sign that you may notice if your Minn Kota trolling motor needs a repair is wiring that is corroded or fraying. One of the best ways to minimize damage to the wiring on your boat motor is to lift the motor out of the water when it’s not in use and to cover the boat with a cover. However, even with these steps, you can still encounter issues. If you notice the wiring is corroded or fraying, the wiring needs to be replaced. This isn’t something the average person can or should do on their own. Reach out a professional to get help replacing your wiring.

The Motor Suddenly Won’t Work

The last sign that your trolling motor needs to be repaired is finding that your motor suddenly won’t start. If you haven’t noticed any signs that the motor is experiencing issues, such as strange noises or taking a long time to start up, there’s a good chance that it’s the battery in the trolling motor that’s dead, rather than the motor itself. Replacing the battery with a new one may help your motor to get up and going again.

If your Minn Kota trolling motor is not working properly or is damaged, there is a good chance it can be repaired. Most motors last five to 10 years, depending on how well cared for and maintained the motor is, what conditions it is subjected to, and how frequently it is used. If yours is fewer than five years old and encounters an issue, purchasing the right Minn Kota trolling motor parts can help you to repair the motor and get back out on the waterways.

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