Common HVAC Repairs: Diagnosing Issues and Knowing When to Call a Professional


Heating and cooling systems enable comfortable temperatures year-round. However, after years of use, HVAC components can malfunction. Understanding the most frequent HVAC repairs helps you budget wisely and identify when professional assistance is the best solution.

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What is an HVAC System?

HVAC stands for heating, ventilation and air conditioning. HVAC systems control indoor environments in homes and commercial buildings.

The basic components include:

  • Furnaces or boilers for heat generation
  • Air conditioning systems and evaporator coils for cooling
  • A thermostat to set and control temperatures
  • Ventilation and air distribution via ductwork and vents
  • Refrigerant lines, condensate drains, and exhaust flues

Leaky Ductwork

What’s the Issue?

  • Leaks or disconnected ductwork reduces heating and cooling distribution.
  • This results in uncomfortably hot/cold spots and higher utility bills.


  • Poor original installations and connections
  • Loose segments or punctured ducts
  • Age deterioration

The Fix

  • Inspect accessible ducts for leaks or feel for problematic areas.
  • Use metal tape and mastic sealant to patch holes and tight joints at seams.

Furnace Not Igniting

Operational Basics For heat generation a furnace should:

  1. Receive a call for heating from the thermostat
  2. Activate draft inducer fan
  3. Ignite and circulate air across burners
  4. Distribute warmth through ductwork

Potential Ignition Failure Causes

  • Faulty pilot light assembly
  • Broken igniter or flame sensor
  • Clogged heat exchanger
  • Issues with gas line supply

The Risks

  • Repeated misfires strain the furnace components.
  • Gas buildup risks explosion hazards if unofficial repair attempts fail.

First Troubleshooting Steps

  • Check circuit breakers/emergency shut offs
  • Replace air filters
  • Bleed air from gas lines

If ignition issues recur, call a technician to ensure safe diagnosis and repair guidance.

AC Not Blowing Cold Air

The Purpose

  • Air conditioners remove heat and humidity to cool indoor environments.

Reasons for Cooling Failures

  • Low refrigerant charge
  • Frozen evaporator coils
  • Condensate drainage line clogs
  • Electrical problems
  • Blower motor breakdowns

The Approach

  • First check filters, coil frost buildup and listen for blower operation.
  • Have an HVAC pro thoroughly assess the refrigerant levels and meter electrical components to identify the true culprit.

Faulty refrigerant charging practices can damage entire AC systems.

Noisy HVAC Systems

Types of Noises

  • Rattling – loose fittings and sheet metal
  • Squeaking – fan belt wear
  • Banging – failing components
  • Humming – refrigerant flow changes

Potential Causes

  • Motor mount, bearing or belt wear
  • Imbalanced or dirty fan blades
  • Compressor clutch failure
  • Loose duct connections

The Fix

  • Call a technician to inspect and replace the malfunctioning component causing the noise disruption. Identifying the origin point requires an expert ear.

Emergency Repairs

Urgent Situations

  • Total system failures during extreme weather
  • Visible sparks or electrical arcing
  • Suspected carbon monoxide leaks

Immediate Actions

  • Locate emergency furnace switch and turn off
  • Open windows for ventilation
  • Exit the home and call for assistance

In critical or life safety scenarios, follow emergency response protocols before attempting to diagnose equipment.

The Value in HVAC Maintenance

Even small upkeep steps extend system lifespan significantly.

  • Replacing air filters
  • Checking refrigerant charge
  • Tightening fittings
  • Cleaning coils and pans
  • Tuning burners

Following manufacturer maintenance guidelines optimizes performance. Catching minor repairs early is much more affordable than replacing entire furnaces or AC equipment!

In Summary Familiarize yourself with common HVAC issues capable of disrupting home comfort and safety. Some repairs you can troubleshoot, while more complex or risky diagnoses should be left to qualified technicians. With both preventative maintenance and listening to HVAC equipment closely, you can catch repair needs promptly for smooth system operations.

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