A Career in Coaching – Make a Living by Changing People’s Lives


Have you ever wondered how you can change lives by helping others reach their full potential and get paid? Well, pursuing a career in coaching allows you to do exactly that!

As more and more professionals seek jobs and opportunities to advance their careers, the need and demand for career coaching professionals to offer guidance has been growing. This is because professionals find it quite challenging to successfully guide themselves in various stages of their careers. If you’ve always had the desire to inspire, motivate, and help others reach their full potential, you can pursue a career in coaching and turn it into a paying and fulfilling profession.

Over the last few years, you’ve most likely come across coaches promoting their services on social media. Well, this is because pursuing coaching as a profession is becoming more and more mainstream with many people soliciting the assistance and services of career coaches whether in terms of encouragement, support, or strategic advice.

So if you enjoy helping others reach their full potential, have a zest in life, and want a fulfilling and paying career, you might consider a career in coaching. Coaching is becoming more and more popular with clients and there’s a huge market for it. So what exactly do you require to become a coach and how do you get qualified to help others change or improve their careers and lives?

In this definitive guide, we’ll look at all facets of a career in coaching. We’ll look at how to pursue coaching as a career, what makes a good career coach, and the types of coaching positions you can pursue.

What is Career Coaching?

Career coaching is essentially the practice of helping others fulfill their potential by identifying the right areas for growth in their professions. It involves the implementation of strategies and encouragement that can help them succeed. As such, a career coach specializes in offering advice on various employment-related issues such as interviews, job-hunting, and how to get promotions but all these depend on the particular needs of the client.

So what exactly does a career coach do? As a career coach, you’ll work with clients in various industries. Based on your expertise, you’ll provide support, offer encouragement, and help your clients overcome barriers that might hinder them from achieving success.

To do this, you need to create strategic goals for your client and provide specific feedback through various mentoring sessions, oral communication, planned activities, and offering tips that are helpful to clients in those particular situations in their lives and careers. In essence, a career coach should be a mentor for the individuals and teams that they coach. This means that you should reinforce positive elements while also identifying actions and beliefs that might hinder them from reaching their potential.

How to Pursue a Career in Coaching

Although there are different types of career coaches (more on this later) with different specializations, the requirements to become a coach are almost the same. As a coach, the most important requirement is a commitment to help clients fulfill their potential and achieve their goals. You’ll also need to have strong communication and critical thinking skills, become an excellent listener and be able to practice empathy.

While there’s no universal career pathway to becoming a career coach, many professional career coaches begin their careers by pursuing an undergraduate degree in a related field. You can as well choose to earn various professional coaching certifications to prove your ability and knowledge in that particular field.

That being said, here are key skills and qualifications that you need to excel as a WOC career coach.

Educational Background

Even though a degree is not a prerequisite for a career as a coach, it’s helpful that you obtain a degree in related fields such as psychology, counseling, or organizational development. These fields offer transferable skills and knowledge that will be useful in various industries. You can also choose to obtain a degree program in your area of specialization if you intend to work in just a specific industry.

Cultivate Your Skills by Getting Coached

The need to possess and exercise both hard and soft skills is of great importance in your role as a career coach. Besides acquiring the relevant technical skills through your studies and education, It may also be important to invest in soft skills. These skills will enhance your ability to communicate, listen, interact, empathize, and sharpen your critical thinking.

These are skills that you can achieve when you seek mentorship from established professionals or even coaching firms in your area or online.

Obtain Coaching Certifications

Credibility is an important factor in this industry, so you need to obtain professional certification through the International Coach Federation (ICF). Being certified not only makes you credible but you also become more desirable and trustworthy. Certification also shows that you’re recognized and have high standards of ethics and excellence in the profession.

Keep in mind that the ICF offers various certifications including Master Certified Coach, Professional Certified Coach, and Associate Certified Coach.

Accumulate Professional Experience

Having prior experience in your field of expertise can be helpful to you as a career coach. The professional growth that comes with experience is essential in showing your clients that you’re credible and trustworthy. Experience also gives you authority and the skills to better understand how individuals and organizations function socially and professionally.

In essence, accumulating professional experience can help you in offering better advice and tips and in dealing with clients more effectively.

Build a Strong Professional Network

Career coaching is an industry that heavily relies on your rapport and connections. Whether it is by creating a good network with clients or fellow professionals, such networks will help you advance your career and even earn more by obtaining more clientele.

If you offer better services, your clients will most likely refer other clients to you. You can as well expand your network by establishing contacts with players in the industry and also by attending industry conferences.

Types of Coaching Career

There are various types of career coaching that you can consider in your career. Let’s briefly highlight some of them.


You can offer mentorship to various individuals not just in their careers but also in life. You need to acquire the right skillsets to enable you to offer insights and guidance on how an individual can advance his career or improve his life.

Career Discovery Coaching

Under this category, you’ll be tasked with helping individuals choose or find a career that suits their interests and needs. This can include helping these individuals define their backgrounds, their goals, and acquire the right skillsets needed for that specific career.

Interview Coaching

Interview coaching revolves around helping individuals develop the skills and confidence required to successfully participate in an interview process. This may include providing these individuals with the right strategies to enable them to speak eloquently about their competencies and manage anxiety during interviews while positively engaging the hiring personnel.

Leadership Coaching

This involves helping individuals attain leadership qualities such as self-confidence and strategies that will help them lead a team or an organization effectively.

Executive Coaching

This is tailored to help senior-level professionals improve their skills in terms of implementing organizational strategies. This type of coaching can help executives to establish healthy work-life balance in their roles while maximizing their productivity.

Other types of career coaching include success coaching, team-oriented coaching, succession coaching, career development coaching, salary negotiation coaching, network coaching, job search coaching, and resume development coaching.

What Makes a Good Career Coach?

You’ve always been told to do what you love and money will surely follow. Well, to become successful in your career as a coach, you need to possess not just the right education but also various soft skills that make a good career coach. Let’s briefly highlight them.


A good career coach must have powerful communication skills both verbally and non-verbally. This is important in conveying essential information effectively and professionally.

Active Listener

As a good listener, you’ll be able to understand the feelings, behavior, needs, and thoughts of your clients. You’ll listen intently and absorb the right information, which will then help you communicate effectively or offer the right solutions.

Detail Orientation

A good career coach must be detail-oriented. This is because paying close attention can help you support and offer the right solutions to your clients.


The ability to comprehend the feeling of others is a useful skill if you want to become a successful coach. Empathy can help you understand the emotions of your client and change the conversation or your tone so that you can achieve positive results.

Clerical Abilities

A career in coaching would mean that there are times when you’ll have to do some clerical duties such as assisting clients with document preparation or organizing client information, so possessing clerical abilities is paramount.

Pursue a Career in Coaching and Make a Difference in People’s Lives

If you’ve always had a passion to help others reach their full potential, then you might consider pursuing a career in coaching and earning a living out of it. However, passion alone is not enough. Instead, you need to have the right education and pursue coaching as a profession. At 5 Prism, we’ll accompany you on your journey to become a coach at an international level and earn a living by helping other people reach their full potential.

Whether you are a manager, an entrepreneur, an employee, or just interested in personal development, we’ll guide you through this journey and help you reach a new level of professionalism as a coach.

So what are you waiting for? Contact us on +7 (707) 582-31-16, register, and get immediate access to our life-changing classes.


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