A Complete Guide to Herbal Medicines


Herbal medicines were hugely popular in ancient cultures. The practice involves using plants for the treatment of diseases and to improve overall wellbeing and health. Just like pharmaceutical medicines, some herbs have highly potent ingredients so they need to be used with a lot of care. Most herbs are also natural which means they are not made using chemicals. This means herbs are generally safe, unlike pharmaceutical drugs. Also, they tend to be much cheaper.

But the biggest challenge that hinders herbs from being used in a large scale manner is that there is limited knowledge of plants that have medicinal properties and what they treat. If you are looking for a complete guide that contains lists of herbal plants, you will find The Lost Book of Remedies an extremely vital resource. Read this complete guide of everything you need to know about herbal medicines. Meanwhile, for safe zopiclone buy and purchase of other trusted sleeping medicines online, you may click the given link. 

Do Herbal Medicines Work?

Herbal medicines have active ingredients but most of these are not yet known. Some conventional medicines are made using only one active ingredient from a particular plan. Herbal medicine practitioners believe that when an active ingredient is used in isolation, it can lose its ability to effectively treat diseases.

A good example is a salicylic acid that’s usually found in the meadowsweet plant and used for manufacturing aspirin. While aspirin is known to cause the bleeding of the internal lining of the stomach, the meadowsweet plant has other compounds that do prevent irritation from this acid.

Thus, herbal medical practitioners believe that it’s better to use the whole plant than taking one or two active ingredients. Thus, a lot of the criticism you see about the ineffectiveness of herbal medicines is since most manufacturers try to isolate the ingredients of these plants. 

Medicinal Uses for Specific Herbs

Herbal medicines work by trying to restore the natural balance of the body to enable it to self-heal. Also, different herbs tend to treat different body systems. Here is a list of some herbs widely used in traditional medicines as well as what they treat:

  • Echinacea

This plays a variety of roles among others, stimulating the immune system which is crucial in

helping the body to ward off infections. Specific diseases that this herb is used to treat include fever, herpes, and boils among other things.

  • Dong Quai

This herbal plant is used to treat gynecological complaints like menopausal symptoms, period pain, and premenstrual tension. It is thought that dong Quai could also play a lead role in lowering blood pressure. 

  • Garlic

This can reduce your chances of contracting heart disease. It does this by reducing the blood fat levels as well as cholesterol. It is packed with lots of antiviral and antibiotic properties so it is highly effective in fighting ff sinusitis, colds, and other respiratory problems.

  • Ginger

Several studies have found ginger to be effective in the treatment of nausea, morning sickness, and travel sickness.

  • Gingko Biloba

This is yet another commonly used ingredient in most traditional medicines. It corrects poor blood circulation and can also treat tinnitus. Also, it is used in most traditional male enhancement formulas because of its ability to improve blood flow.

  • Ginseng

This treats fatigue in people who may be recovering from an illness or pregnant women. It also reduces blood pressure and the level of cholesterol in the body. 

  • Hypericum

It is known more commonly as St. John’s Wort, or SJW. Numerous studies suggest that it can tackle depression with the same efficacy as pharmaceutical antidepressants. Also, it is used to treat insomnia and anxiety.

Special Considerations for Herbal Medicine

There is a notion that herbal medicines are generally safe and can be taken in any quantity but nothing can be farther from the truth. Just like prescription medications, these medicines work best when they are prescribed by a professional herbal practitioner. If used in excess, they may cause some unpleasant side effects like rashes, allergic reactions, headaches, vomiting, diarrhea, and nausea. Before you start taking herbal medicines, disclose the following information to your herbal therapist:

  • The over-the-counter drugs, herbal supplements, and any vitamins that you could be taking at the moment

  • Whether you are pregnant or thinking of becoming one

  • If you have any allergic reactions

Get Your Supply of Herbal Medicines from a Reputable Supplier

Not all products marketed as herbal are safe. It’s advisable to always insist on a reputable pharmacist or supplier.

You should be most careful when it comes to buying herbal medicines on the internet. This is because most herbal remedies from foreign countries are unregulated and so they may not be of the same hygiene and quality standards as those in the US. Also, herbal products purchased from the internet tend to contain high amounts of heavy metals such as lead, arsenic, and mercury among other things. These can cause grave concerns in the long run.

It also helps to educate yourself on some of the most common herbal plants around and always check the ingredients to see if they form part of the supplement or medicine. The Lost Book of Remedies is one book you want to read. This comprehensive guide shows you more than 125 medicinal plants and herbs, how you can grow them at your home, how to make medical concoctions from them, and the dosage to use for the best results. 


While there is no doubt about the fact that herbs do treat various diseases, there is little literature on this subject. Unlike pharmaceutical drugs, people don’t know which plants treat which disease, the dosage, and whether it interacts with other medications or not.

This has created confusion in the industry and has even led to suggestions that herbal medicines are ineffective. But the truth of the matter is that these herbs indeed work. Also, they have low levels of side effects compared to conventional medications.

If you want a comprehensive guide about traditional healing plants and herbs, you should get a copy of The Lost Book of Remedies. In this guide, you will find over 125 plants and herbs that our ancestors used for treatment for hundreds of years. The book, which is available in a PDF form, can be downloaded and accessed right away after paying for it. It not only contains the names of these plants but also crystal clear pictures of them to make them easily identifiable. Also, it teaches you how to prepare herbal remedies from the plants as well as the right dosage to take.

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