A Guide to Keeping Your Car Looking Brand New


Don’t you just hate it when your car begins to look dull and old? Poor maintenance and improper cleaning are the culprits behind this. Your car is an important investment and you simply don’t want it to just fade away from its glory days so quickly. Want to increase your car’s value or just want to keep your car in tip-top shape? Don’t miss out on these helpful car care tips! Check out goodcarkeeping.com for more tips on how to deep clean your car.

Washing Your Car Properly

The most basic step in proper car care is washing your car properly. It is recommended to wash your car once a week. When it comes to cleaning your car, the first thing you should always remember is to never use a bar of dish soap or any cleaner that’s not formulated for automobiles. If you think that using just any regular cleaner around your house would save you money, think again. Your clothing detergent or dish soap might do more harm.

Special car cleaners are designed to clean your car without damaging your car paint and coating. Also, always use clean water when you’re washing your car. Be very careful and gentle when scrubbing to avoid scratches. It is also important to wash your car in shaded areas as sunlight can prematurely dry out your car’s coat. Make sure to always air dry your car after washing to avoid annoying spots that can be difficult to remove.

Check for Scratches

After washing your car, inspect if there are any scratches. Minor scratches can be dealt with by wiping it with a fiber cloth or DIY polishing products from your local shops. Some of these commercial anti-scratch products can remove your car’s wax finish so replace it instantly. For deeper scratches or cuts, it’s best to seek a professional detailing service, especially if you have no clue how to fix it.

Polish and Wax Your Car

Polishing your car removes light scratches, dirt, oxidation, and other minor imperfections. You should always polish your car before applying power wax to make sure the surface is smooth and even. On the other hand, waxing protects your car from bird poop, the sun’s heat, dust, pollen, and dirt. It is recommended to polish your car three to four times annually. Waxing, on the other hand, should be done every three months. Sometimes keeping track of when to polish and wax your car can be such a hassle, so the car professionals at Ultimate RainCoat suggest investing in hydrophobic nano-ceramic coating for a long-lasting glossy finish. This type of ceramic coating includes a six-year warranty, making it cost-efficient. It involves little maintenance but delivers UV protection, corrosion resistance, and a beautiful sheen.

Pamper Your Car with A Clay Bar Treatment

Claying is the process of removing trapped particles on your car’s surface using a clay bar. No matter how many times you polish and wax your car, there may be particles that will still remain. A clay bar treatment will remove rail dust, brake dust, and other harmful pollutants that could damage your car’s coating. It is recommended to get a clay bar treatment at least twice a year. If you touch your car’s surface and it feels rough, then perhaps it’s time for your car to get a clay bar treatment.

Keep The Interior Spotless Clean

Don’t forget to condition the interior of your car! Just like car washes, you should vacuum the nooks and crannies inside your car once a week. Thoroughly vacuum the carpet and wipe the dashboard with a rag. Don’t let dust and food crumbs build up! Use a leather cleaner to clean your seats. This should be done every three months. Make sure to keep a leather kit handy to wipe off any stains immediately. If you are a smoker, use a smoke-neutralizer. A scented air freshener only masks the smell and won’t don’t any good in removing the lingering smell.

Visit a Mechanic

A professional mechanic can significantly help identify your needs and options to keep your car in mint condition. Make sure to communicate with your mechanic about what needs to be checked or what you want to achieve. Maintenance checks should be done every three to six months. Having a regular car service and maintenance check would not only keep your car in top shape but also increase its life span.

There are many ways to make your car look as if you’ve just bought it from a car dealership yesterday. However, it’s no secret. The key to keeping your car looking amazing all the time is the basics of car care. Through proper cleaning and maintenance, you’ll definitely boost your car’s value and make it look brand new!

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