Addison, Texas – A Small Town’s History of Prosperity


Early history of Addison

Addison is one of the incorporated towns in Dallas County, Texas, and one of the suburbs in the major city of Dallas.

The area what is now called Addison was once referred to as Peters Colony. Twin brothers Preston and Pleasant Witt were among the first settlers in the colony who built a house near White Rock Creek in 1846. In 1849 the Witt brothers built and operated an ox-powered gristmill. In 1902 Peters Colony changed its name into Addison, in honor of the community’s second postmaster Addison Robertson.

One of the first industries the town had developed is the cotton gin industry, built by the Pistole brothers on Addison Road, near the rail tracks. Later the cotton gin became the Plano Cotton Oil Mill in 1904 and in 1919 it changed its name into Farmers Gin of Addison. In 1888 by the name of W.W. Julian, W.E. Horten and Sidney Smith Noell granted the right-of-way to the St. Louis, Arkansas and Texas Railway in exchange for a coaling station. This station later became known as Noell Junction. After the railroad had been built, several buildings and establishments were moved to the proximity of the railway station.

Addison on the path to its own slow but steady growth

By 1914 Addison’s population grew into seventy-five. A handful of establishments including a few grocery stores, a dry-goods shop and a local bank; however the bank failed and the area’s popution was reduced to about 40 by 1926.

To avoid being annexed by Dallas, Addison’s residents voted the incorporation of their town on June 15, 1953, where the area was named as “The City of Addison.” After Addison had been incorporated, the town elected its first mayor, M. W, Morris, while the alderman (they’re more like city councilors) were Guy Dennis, Robert W. Wood, J. E. Julian, Jr., Dr. H. T. Nesbit, and Seldon Knowles.

By 1970, Addison’s population rose to 595 and its establishments were counted at about 80. Only a decade later, Addison’s population overwhelmingly swelled into 5,553 and the number of business establishments rose to 263. Addison took a lot of measures to promote its industrial development and dodge its small-town image. Such efforts include legalizing alcohol to attract restaurants and hotels to do business there. It also imposed a property tax rate which was one-sixth lower than Dallas’.

Addison’s industry has come a long way, from the cotton gin production and trade into huge industries that included the aviation equipments manufacturing and supply, as well as production and trade of plastics, metal and rubber, as well pharmaceutical products. In 1982 the area changed its name from the “City of Addison” to “Town of Addison” which has been stuck ever since.

By 1990 Addison’s population grew into 8,753 and its business continued to steadily blossom. Ten years later, it swelled into 14,461.

From a mere number of three grocers, a dry goods store and a bank in 1914, by the new millenium the town’s number of business almost rose to 1,981, including three banks and three malls. Addison also runs a one daily and one weekly newspaper. Like other towns and cities in the United State, Addison’s form of government

Addison also has both public and private schools, including the Dallas Independent School District, and Trinity Christian Academy. It also has parks and places of recreation. Addison’s overwhelmingly commercial image and atmosphere is like no other suburbs have. For instance, the whole town of enjoys a wireless Internet network. Although the Internet network isn’t free as it requires a nominal cost, residents and business people will otherwise enjoy its benefits. Residents as well as tourists will revel in a number of Addison’s events, and other attractions of this progressive little suburb.

One of the most famous landmarks of Addison is The Water Tower Theater, which has been voted one of the best theaters in Dallas. Its outdoor sculpture, the Water Tower Circle Blueprints Sculpture Fountain, is also well-known.

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