Alternative Ways to Prevent Psoriasis Flare-Ups


Flare-ups of psoriasis often occur for no apparent reason, although there may be a number of factors at play. Psoriasis can be triggered by average, ordinary things like stress, bug bites, and cold weather. An individual’s set of triggers may differ from those of another. Psoriasis flares can be reduced or eliminated if the causes are identified and countered.

You’ll have to use your sleuthing skills to determine where to look for yours. If you’re searching for a place to start, this chart of common triggers is helpful because it lists motivations and offers you warning indicators that they might be a trigger for you.

Keep the skin moisturized

Dry, itchy skin from a psoriasis flare-up is exacerbated or avoided by maintaining a consistent moisturizing routine. It may also help repair the skin, which will make the flare-up simpler to deal with.

Heavy lotions and ointments can help seal in moisture. Try to find alcohol- and fragrance-free moisturizer. Alcohol and perfumes both have a drying effect on the skin.

Cooking oils or shortening can be a natural or inexpensive alternative to commercial skin moisturizers. In addition, turmeric for psoriasis is another excellent option for its management. Seek advice from a dermatologist if you’re unsure what to use. Use lukewarm water for shorter showers to avoid drying your skin too much. Use soaps without added fragrances. Use a moisturizer every time you wash your hands, face, or body.

If you enjoy soaking in the tub and find that your dry, itchy skin is aggravated by the lack of moisture in the water, try adding some oil to the water. If you have dry, itchy skin, try soaking in a bath with Epsom or Dead Sea salts. Don’t soak for more than 15 minutes, and then forget to apply lotion.

Try chilling your moisturizers and creams for the best results. The burning sensation that typically comes with the itching during a flare-up may be alleviated by doing this.

Pay attention to the Weather

Some patients experience more severe psoriasis flares in the cooler months of autumn and winter. Psoriasis can be made worse by dry skin caused by indoor heating systems. Reducing flare-ups brought on by dry skin during winter can be as simple as keeping your skin well hydrated.

After each cleansing, or whenever you notice your skin is becoming dry, apply a high-quality moisturizer. When taking a shower or bath, be sure the water is not too cold or too hot. The maximum time you should spend in the tub is 10 minutes. If your skin is dry from staying inside all winter, try plugging in a humidifier.

Reduce stress

Because inflammation is one way the body deals with stress, it can contribute to flare-ups. Psoriasis sufferers’ immune systems produce an abundance of substances often produced in response to infection or injury.

Reduce stress

If you’re feeling overwhelmed by your psoriasis, it’s essential to talk to your doctor. Perhaps they will have advice on how to handle pressure. They may also suggest consulting with a psychiatrist, psychologist, or social worker.

Meditation, yoga, physical activity, and doing things you enjoy can all help alleviate stress. Believe it or not, exercise and psoriasis go hand in hand. Meeting other people who also have psoriasis could be supportive. To find a psoriasis support group, you might ask at your local hospital or look for one on the internet.

Get a Little Sun

Phototherapy is a treatment for psoriasis that makes use of various forms of light and is typically performed by a dermatologist in their clinic; but you can enjoy similar advantages merely by spending time outside in natural light.

You should stay out of the sun for extended periods if you have a family history of skin cancer or another condition that puts you at a higher risk for developing the disease. However, provided that you keep in contact with your dermatologist and they give you the green light, exposing yourself to the sun for fifteen minutes a few times a week may very well assist in reducing the severity of your flare.

Get a Little Sun

Avert Medications triggering Flare-Ups

Tell your primary care physician about any medications you take, including those purchased over the counter. Please inquire as to whether or not they might aggravate your psoriasis. The following are examples of drugs that are known to make things worse:

  • Lithium, a substance that is utilized in the treatment of psychiatric diseases
  • Propranolol and maybe other beta-blockers are some medications that a doctor might recommend for heart issues.
  • Quinidine is a medicine for treating heartbeat irregularities.

If taking any of these medications, you should discuss potential alternatives with your primary care provider. Be aware of these medications, as well as any others that may cause psoriasis flares.


A flare-up of symptoms may be brought on by a variety of environmental stimuli, such as stress. Psoriasis can be easier to live with if the causes of flare-ups are recognized and actions are taken to eliminate, reduce, or otherwise deal with the symptoms they cause.


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