An Informative Guide To Choosing A Headstone


When a loved one passes away, there are many things that you must take care of. Not least of these is selecting an appropriate and attractive headstone for their grave. This is an important step in the healing process after you suffer a loss. The perfect headstone can both serve as a reminder that they are laid to rest and can help us to memorialize their living moments after they are gone. Whether your loved one is cremated or interred underground, it is important to place a clear marker that will memorialize their life and works.

Making a selection means that you will have a place to go and reflect for many years. Know the rules and regulations a cemetery has for their headstones and you can easily find a model that is perfect for you. Use these simple tips to make selecting the ideal headstone a much less arduous task.

Determine Your Inscription

The inscription or epitaph on a headstone not only declares who is buried beneath, but it can also comfort grieving loved ones by reminding them of the humor or wittiness of the deceased. Keep it short and to the point. Remember that headstones are meant to be around for years and years so it is important to choose words that will not lose their meaning. Do not clutter up the headstone with unnecessary words. Once you figure out the perfect inscription or epitaph, it is time to choose a stone on which to carve it.

Make sure that you have given careful consideration to all four of the crucial elements for choosing an inscription. Be mindful of the font that you use and make sure that the letters are large enough to be legible, but do not look crowded. Many people choose to include a photo. Still others choose to use symbols or similarly meaningful engravings. No matter how you decide you would like a headstone to look, it is important to closely consider all of your options.

What Kind of Stone Do You Prefer

We all know that the headstone, or grave marker is the most visible sign of a burial. These monuments are designed to memorialize the lives of the deceased. Their design should evoke the personal taste of the deceased. When you are choosing a headstone, you will be faced with a variety of options. You will have to determine the shape and size of it as well as the material. Your price depends greatly on these selections. A custom headstone design will add to the overall bill.

There are several common types of headstones. A flat headstone, or a grass marker is the simplest kind of headstone. It is generally a flat tablet bearing pertinent details such as a name, dates and other things. By contrast, an upright headstone is more traditional. These are usually 3-4 feet high and can be decorated however you see fit. You get a lot more surface area, so this is easy to customize.

Make Your Final Selection

Choosing the ideal headstone for your loved one involves making a lot of decisions. Not only do you have to choose the right material and finish of the stone, but you also must firm up your epitaph and choose a reputable supplier. You will also need to contact your cemetery about possible regulations thy have regarding the headstone. Many resting places have limits on the size of stones, or they must adhere to religious or moral constrictions. By speaking to a cemetery manager before making your decision, you can choose one that will fit perfectly into the landscape.

How Will It Be Installed?

Many cemeteries will offer an installation service for you. You receive the headstone through your supplier and the cemetery can make sure that it is perfectly installed. Some cemeteries even have an on-site headstone supplier. This is perfect if you are grieving and want to have the easiest options available to you. However, if they do not offer this service, many headstone suppliers will install the stone at a small fee.

What Is Your Budget?

As with any event in a lifetime, a funeral is going to be a costly affair. Set a budget early, before you even look into custom headstone design. It is important to set a budget because headstones can be expensive. They typically cost between $1,500 and $2,000. By budgeting carefully, you can make this the greatest memorial ever for your loved one.

Choose Your Supplier

A headstone can be purchased at a funeral home, a cemetery or even online. Be sure that the supplier will meet your qualifications and a list of questions to ask. You will also want to compare prices. The cost of a headstone can vary widely, even if it is the same material and does not look very different. Talk to friends and family about finding a supplier who can not only provide what you need but can also stay within your budget. In addition to the headstone, you will need to consider the various expenditures associated with this event. From flowers to any entertainment, it is best to adhere strictly to a budget.

Ask For A Draft

Your headstone will be an expensive prop in the funeral for your loved one. Do not hesitate to bring out a draft for your custom headstone and take it out to the cemetery. This way, you can be sure that it will look cohesive and add to the peaceful and serene nature of the cemetery.

The passing of a loved one is a tumultuous time in anyone’s life. You are faced with a multitude of decisions and costly expenditures. With this exhaustive guide to choosing the best, most stately and classic headstone, you can perfectly memorialize a life that you cared about. Choose a stone and finish for your headstone that you will be pleased to look upon for years to come. Come up with an inscription that will not only tell all about the person in life, but will also give you comfort.

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