Aspiring Actor Dovi Jacobs Recounts His Experiences Growing up In Los Angeles


With a passion for the entertainment landscape, Dovi Jacobs attended the Los Angeles Film School where he studied directing and cinematography. Despite his love of screenwriting, Dovi soon discovered a talent for acting. Following graduation, he appeared in a number of musical productions put on by local theater groups and landed several commercials for industry leading brands. When Dovi is not auditioning for an upcoming role, he spends the majority of his time in Malibu with his family. He is currently hoping to land a spot in a major film or television series.

What was the inspiration behind your career choice?

I grew up in Los Angeles, which is where everyone hoping to make it in the entertainment industry comes to make a name for themselves. From an early age, I had seen many individuals come to Hollywood with the hopes of landing a coveted spot on a movie or television program. Unfortunately, when it comes to acting and entertainment, you really have to have connections or know how to put yourself out there and get noticed. It’s a lot of hard work and it’s something you must really be passionate about to make it out here.

How do you set yourself apart from the competition?

I consider myself a very adventurous person and I am willing to do what it takes to land a major role. I also studied filmmaking and directing prior to my acting career, so I believe I have a complex understanding of what makes a good scene. I also network whenever I can. Currently I am working at a little cafe where I am fortunate enough to have the opportunity to meet a lot of important people. I think above all, it’s important to recognize who you are early on in your career. Understand your limits and take roles that you are passionate about.

Tell us one long-term goal in your career

A long-term goal of mine is to land a role on a television show. I am a big fan of comedies and I love to make people laugh. I could see myself working on set and for me, that would be an absolute dream come true.

How do you measure success?

Success for me is following my passions and interests. I know that’s easier said than done, but I think that a lot of individuals are stuck in positions that don’t really challenge them. I think as humans once we get comfortable with a set routine, it can be hard to step outside of that box. I encourage people to take calculated risks. Take the time to do what you love and everything will eventually fall into place.

What’s the most valuable lesson you’ve learned through the course of your career?

A friend of mine once accompanied me to an audition that, unfortunately for myself, did not go the way I intended. I was upset that I didn’t deliver to the best of my abilities. My friend responded “You didn’t have a bad day, you had a bad hour, don’t let this one setback determine how the rest of your day plays out.” This really resonated with me. Moving forward whenever I am feeling down, I think to myself, is this issue significant enough that it must interfere with my entire day? And that often helps me push forward.

What advice would you give to others aspiring to succeed in your field?

I would give them the same advice that my dear friend gave me. Don’t let a minor setback deter you from being productive. The entertainment industry is highly competitive. You will always have people telling you what they think about you while providing unsolicited advice. Have confidence in yourself and if it doesn’t work out one day, keep trying.

What are some of your favorite things to do outside of work?

Living in sunny LA, I love being outdoors and I love going to the beach. Most of my family resides in Malibu so when I am not auditioning or rehearsing I am usually spending time with them. I also enjoy physical activity. I do a lot of running around in my work, so it’s important that I remain healthy. I normally try to squeeze in a bike ride or a run each morning and I find that it really fuels my day.

How do you maintain a work-life balance?

That’s tricky because there isn’t a day that goes by where I am not planning out my next move or preparing for an audition. I live and breathe acting because it is what I love. I do my best to unplug at the end of each day and I am a major advocate for self-care, but really I am fully committed to my craft. I find that I am happiest when I am working and challenging myself in different ways.



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