Bathroom Partitions and Their Materials


Establishments like malls, hospitals, and offices have been existing and changing for the better as time passes by. Wherever people go, it has been a non-negotiable to check whether there are bathroom stalls nearby or inside an establishment. This is why companies have been investing in better bathroom partitions to serve their customers and guests further.

Not only do these partitions contribute to the aesthetics and mood the establishment is going for, but they also represent the establishment or company. Hygiene is an essential element in any endeavor, and having a clean bathroom, toilet rooms, etc., is necessary. A place that does not know how to care for these things is usually marked as untrustworthy.

For a long time, it has been a fact that a company should build up a good reputation in terms of hygiene for it to survive the growing industry. Setting up suitable bathroom partitions to match the company’s concept is more important than people deem it. A bathroom can be spotless but would still look messy because of interior design. The importance of the design, the materials, and the items used for the bathroom is undeniably crucial in establishing and strengthening the image of your company or establishment.

Types of Bathroom Partitions Materials

Selecting the right bathroom partitions is crucial for any facility, impacting not just the aesthetics of the space but also its functionality and maintenance needs. The choice of material can affect everything from privacy and durability to cost and environmental impact. Understanding the types of bathroom partitions and the materials used in their construction can help in making an informed decision that suits the specific needs of a space. Here’s a breakdown of the most common types of bathroom partitions and their materials.

Powder-Coated Steel

Partitions at a public bathroom

Powder-coated steel partitions are known for their durability and cost-effectiveness. This type involves applying a dry powder coating to the steel, which is then cured under heat to form a skin-like layer. This process makes the partitions resistant to scratches, rust, and graffiti, which is ideal for high-traffic bathrooms. They come in various colors, offering flexibility in design while being one of the more affordable options on the market.

Stainless Steel

Stainless steel partitions offer a sleek, modern look that’s both durable and resistant to vandalism. They are particularly favored for their ease of cleaning and their high resistance to moisture, making them perfect for restrooms in humid or wet environments. Although on the pricier side, their longevity and timeless appearance make them a popular choice for facilities that prioritize aesthetics along with functionality.

Solid Plastic

Colored bathroom partitions

Solid plastic partitions are designed to withstand heavy use and exposure to moisture, making them suitable for pool areas, showers, and other wet environments. They are made from high-density polyethylene (HDPE), which resists dents, graffiti, and corrosion. These partitions are easy to clean and maintain, and they come in a variety of colors. Their durability and resistance to water damage make them a long-lasting option, albeit with a higher initial cost compared to some materials.

Phenolic Core

Phenolic core partitions are composed of multiple layers of kraft paper impregnated with phenolic resin, topped with a decorative surface layer. This construction results in highly durable, water-resistant, and vandal-resistant partitions. They are suitable for high-traffic areas and places with high humidity levels. Phenolic partitions offer a wide range of design options, including various textures and colors, but they tend to be among the more expensive options due to their superior quality and performance.


Wooden laminate partitions

Laminate partitions are made by pressing layers of paper and resin over a particleboard or plywood core, creating a durable and attractive surface. These partitions are available in a wide range of colors and patterns, allowing for extensive customization to fit any restroom’s design. While they are resistant to scratches and graffiti, they are not recommended for very wet environments due to the potential for water to seep into the core material.

Tips for Choosing Bathroom Partitions

Choosing the right bathroom partitions for your commercial or public space isn’t just about aesthetics; it’s about functionality, durability, and compliance with regulations. The selection process can be overwhelming due to the variety of materials, styles, and specifications available. However, with the right approach, you can ensure that your bathroom partitions meet the needs of your facility and its users. Here are some straightforward tips to guide you in making an informed decision:

  • Consider the Material: Different materials offer varying levels of durability, resistance to vandalism, and moisture resistance. Options like powder-coated steel, stainless steel, solid plastic, and phenolic have their unique benefits and limitations. Evaluate the environment of your bathroom to choose the most suitable material.
  • Think About Maintenance: Some materials and designs are easier to clean and maintain than others. For instance, textured surfaces might hide scratches and graffiti better but can be more challenging to clean. Look for partitions that offer a balance between aesthetic appeal and ease of maintenance.
  • Evaluate Privacy Concerns: The height and gaps of bathroom partitions can impact user privacy significantly. Opt for designs that minimize gaps and consider taller partitions or those that extend closer to the floor to enhance privacy.
  • Accessibility is Key: Ensure that your bathroom partitions are compliant with the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) or any local accessibility requirements. This includes considerations for space, layout, and hardware that is usable by individuals with disabilities.
  • Budget Wisely: While it might be tempting to choose the least expensive option, consider the long-term durability and maintenance costs. Sometimes, investing a bit more upfront can lead to lower costs over the lifespan of the partitions due to reduced maintenance and replacement needs.
  • Consider the Environment: For facilities aiming for sustainability, look for partitions made from recycled materials or those that are environmentally friendly. Some materials and manufacturing processes have a lower environmental impact than others.
  • Customization Options: Depending on your space and design needs, customization might be necessary. Some suppliers offer custom colors, patterns, or logo incorporation. Make sure your chosen supplier can accommodate any specific design requirements.

Installing Bathroom Partitions

Clean bathroom partitions

Installing bathroom partitions is a critical step in creating functional, private, and accessible restroom facilities in any public or commercial space. This process requires careful planning and precision to ensure that the partitions not only look good but also meet safety and compliance standards. Whether you’re a contractor, a business owner, or a facility manager, following these practical tips can streamline your installation process and ensure a successful outcome:

  • Prepare Your Tools and Materials: Before you begin, make sure you have all the necessary tools and materials. This includes measuring tapes, levels, drills, screws, anchors, and the partitions themselves. Having everything at hand will save time and prevent delays.
  • Measure Twice, Install Once: Accurate measurements are crucial for a successful installation. Measure the space where the partitions will be installed to ensure they fit perfectly. Pay special attention to the height and the space needed for doors to swing open or closed.
  • Follow Manufacturer Instructions: Each type of partition may have specific installation requirements. Carefully read and follow the manufacturer’s instructions to avoid any mistakes that could affect the durability and functionality of the partitions.
  • Check for Level and Alignment: As you install the partitions, use a level to ensure they are perfectly vertical. Misaligned partitions can lead to doors that don’t close properly or uneven gaps that compromise privacy.
  • Securely Anchor the Partitions: Proper anchoring is essential for the stability and longevity of the partitions. Use the appropriate anchors for your wall and floor materials, and make sure each partition is securely fastened.
  • Adjust for Accessibility: Ensure that at least one partitioned area is fully compliant with ADA (Americans with Disabilities Act) standards or local accessibility requirements. This includes considerations for size, door swing, grab bars, and hardware.
  • Inspect and Adjust Hardware: After installation, inspect all hardware, including hinges, locks, and hooks, to ensure they are securely attached and functioning correctly. Make any necessary adjustments to ensure smooth operation.
  • Perform a Final Check: Once everything is installed, perform a thorough check of all partitions and hardware. Look for any issues with alignment, operation, or stability and address them before the restroom is opened for use.

By following these steps, you can ensure that your bathroom partitions are installed correctly, providing a safe, private, and accessible environment for all users. Proper installation is key to maximizing the lifespan and functionality of the partitions, making it a worthwhile investment of time and effort.


The choice of bathroom partitions is a decision that impacts not only the visual appeal of a restroom but also its durability, maintenance, and user experience. While stainless steel and phenolic partitions cater to high-end, design-conscious spaces with their sleek finishes and robust performance, solid plastic and laminate options provide practical, cost-effective solutions for areas with heavy traffic or high moisture. Understanding the characteristics of each type allows for a tailored approach to restroom design, ensuring that the chosen partitions meet the facility’s requirements in terms of aesthetics, functionality, and budget.

Additional Suggestions

  • Only buy bathroom partitions from the best and most reliable stores or brands to ensure that the partitions you get are durable and are made from high-quality materials.
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