Beach Vacation Packing List


Taking a beach vacation can be both exciting and memory-creating. But did you know that your beach adventure could turn into a nightmare if you don’t have the right gear and supplies?

That’s why you should have a packing list to guide you on what to pack. I’m going to provide you with the ultimate beach vacation packing list to get you started.

You don’t have to pack everything as you would want to travel as light as possible. You also need to go for things that you’ll find easy to use and those that won’t mess up your budget.

Here’s my list:

Beach Chair

You need a robust, comfortable beach chair to relax on and enjoy the sunset. Luckily, there are so many portable tall beach chairs out there that you can pack. You can also consider a low to ground beach chair.

Most are reclinable to allow you to enjoy multiple sitting positions. They also come with add-ons like can holders, insulated pouches, canopies, and removable headrests.

Other Beach Gear

Other than a beach chair, you need to pack some beach towels, a beach blanket, and a beach cooler bag at the very least.

Also, carrying a portable beach cooler may be a good idea if you are going beach camping as a family or group.

Other beach gears to pack are:

  • Beach tent

  • Beach umbrella

Beach Clothes

The beach is a place to get loose. So, you need to pack the most flexible and comfortable clothes.

For women, the following are a must-pack:

  • Swimsuits(bikinis)

  • Tank tops

  • Beach dresses

  • Underwear

For men, consider packing the following:

  • Beach shorts

  • Beach shirts

  • Underwear

Additionally, you should include a light jacket to keep you warm if it turns cold. A pajama is also an excellent idea for beach campers.

Beach Footwear

You don’t expect to wear your regular shoes on the beach. You need footwear that is lightweight, breathable, and comfortable. They should also be able to keep the sand out.

So, ensure you shop for them. Preferably, go for water shoes, beach sandals, and flip flops. And if you like treasure hunting, bring some beach boots too.

You should at least pack two pairs to interchange when you get to the beach.

Beach Footwear


The chances are that you may prefer to buy toiletries at your destination point. If that’s the case, then you should make a list of what to get.

But if you are like me, then you should pack them in advance. First consider the obvious ones like:

  • Toothpaste and toothbrush

  • Moisturizer or body cream

  • Makeup

  • Deodorant

  • Hairbrush

  • Soap and body wash

You should also remember to pack some sunscreen or cooling gel to protect your skin against the sin. Additionally, bring a mosquito repellant and bug spray if you are going to camp on the beach.


A change of surrounding and the exhaustion of traveling can make you sick. So, it’s always a good idea to pack some medications.

For starters, ensure you bring some pain relievers. They can be of help in case you have a headache or body ache. Also, remember to pack some motion sickness tablets like aspirin if you plan to go for boat trips.

And if you are on any prescription, ensure you pack all of them before heading to the beach.

First Aid Kit

Accidents do happen on the beach, and so you should be prepared to handle them. Before you can think of going to the hospital, you should try basic first aid where applicable.

So, you need a first aid kit that you can buy on Amazon or any other store.

Some of the essentials to check for the first aid kit are sterile bandages, antiseptics, ice packs, disposable gloves, anti-sting application, antibacterial ointment, and medicated adhesive tapes.

Beach Electronics

You want to capture all the good memories on the beach. Thus, remember to carry an excellent digital camera and its spacious memory card.

But still, your smartphone can serve the purpose if it has a good camera and ample storage. If you want to engage in underwater adventure, however, then you’ll need an underwater camera.

Other beach electronics to pack include:

  • Headphones

  • Mobile charger

  • Power bank

  • Flashlight

  • Laptop

Fun Essentials

Other than beach chairs which are undoubtedly fun essentials, you need to pack the following:

  • Bluetooth speaker – It allows you to listen to your phone’s music wirelessly and play some classic Beach Boys tunes.

  • Beach toys – Essential when taking your kids to the beach.

  • Books and magazines – Great if you are the reading type.

  • Balls – It could be anything ranging from a tennis ball to a football.

  • Games – Could by board games, card games or any other games.

Travel Accessories

Remember to carry all essentials that you bring to all your travels. One notable inclusion is a water bottle. It should be insulated to keep your drinking water cold if you don’t have a cooler.

You also need to pack an e-reader that doesn’t consume much packing space. The other travel essentials are sunglasses that protect your eyes from the sun.

Beach Bags

You’ll need different bags for packing various beach supplies. So, all the bags that you need should be in your packing list.

For starters, you should pack a small handbag or shoulder bag to carry your wallet, phone, and money. You can keep the small bag in a standard backpack.

So, yes, you need a backpack, which can also carry your medicine, toiletries, first aid kit, and other small items. Do not forget to pack a wet bag for your wet clothes and towels after swimming.

You also need a sizeable suitcase to carry the small bags and everything else.

Travel Documents

The last thing you would want to forget is your passport, visa, or travel insurance. That’s important if you are going beach camping overseas.

But if you are doing it locally, you can skip them. You need to keep these documents in the right place, like a travel wallet, to guarantee their safety.

You also need to pack your credit card as it’s safer than cash. More importantly, you shouldn’t forget to carry your ID.

Additional Items

Also, consider the following:

  • Dinnerware

  • Snacks and drinks

  • Garbage bags

  • Hand sanitizers

  • Binoculars

  • Feminine products


Above is a complete beach vacation packing list. So, recheck it to see what to include before heading for the beach. With the right beach essentials, you are almost guaranteed a great beach adventure.

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