Beginners Guide to Survey Management Tools


Many businesses and even governmental departments use surveys in one form or another, whether it’s to track customer satisfaction or receive feedback from employees through survey software. 

Market research, sales, and business operations are vital pieces of business that require information collected and aggregated in a digestible form.

Australian Survey Research, also known as SurveyManager, has created a platform that provides everything you need to easily design, deploy, process and report on questionnaires, quizzes, polls, and electronic forms (eforms). SurveyManager is safe, secure, and hosted only in Australia for government and commercial clients.

What are survey management tools? 

Australian online surveys and enterprise survey software allow for the customisation of your data in easily accessible formats. Online surveys allow key decision makers to speed up the decision-making process and assist employees, suppliers, stakeholders, and customers with one easy-to-use platform.

This platform allows you to design, deploy, and analyse your custom surveys.

When looking at survey management tools, be sure to look for an integrated, end-to-end application to manage your total data collection requirements as you’ll want one tool that can do everything versus several smaller tools with limited capability.  

Why should I use survey management tools? 

If you’re looking to conduct research or receive feedback from anyone, survey management tools make the process easier and as seamless as possible. 

Online surveys including SurveyManager can assist you in gaining valuable insights for a wide range of use cases including:

  • Event Planning
  • Customer Service
  • Policy Development
  • Product Management
  • Customer Satisfaction
  • Digital Transformation
  • Performance Audit or Compliance
  • Human Resources or Stake Holder Relations

Survey management tools allow you to quickly transform your cumbersome paper forms into fully interactive eforms so they can directly connect to your business’s applications. This transformation will help you reduce costly errors, streamline operations, and increase overall customer responsiveness.

How do  I use survey management tools? 

Once you get the hang of the tools, they’ll be easy to breeze through but when you’re first starting, there’s a strong support network consisting of interactive online help, tutorials, and self-paced training options.

We can also assist you with onsite face-to-face training at your premises or remote WebEx training for standard or customised topics depending on the particular features you will be using.

With SurveryManager, it’s easy to share your surveys with our scheduling and bulk invite options to streamline your process. A few of our key features include; 

  • Send invites, reminders, and thank you emails
  • Draft and preschedule emails and templates for delivery
  • SMSs can be managed and scheduled within SurveyManager®
  • Send emails with detailed attachments such as PDF documents
  • Merge fields such as first name, surname, and URL to send out personalised emails and SMS
  • HTML emails can be fully formatted with graphics and full-colour options – not just plain text

All of the tools can be accessed on any device connected to the internet and mobile surveys can also be created through a mobile app

About SurveyManager 

Australian Survey Research Group (ASR) is the developer of SurveyManager®, an Australian survey, online forms, and online data collection platform hosted in Australia. Originally created for market researchers and HR professionals, the design of SurveyManager® continues to be driven by the needs of real-life business and public sector requirements.

We are headquartered in Melbourne, and our consulting and technical staff are co-located so we can provide our clients with integrated solutions. We work with individuals, researchers in universities, as well as all levels of business and government.

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