Best Brands Of Espresso Coffee Machine In Malaysia


Malaysians are known to be coffee lovers. And if they can’t get their coffee outside, they make it at home. Below are the popular brands of espresso coffee machines in Malaysia.


DeLonghi, which is a trusted name as far as coffee machines are concerned. If you want to make two cups of espresso at the same time then the DeLonghi ECAM370.95.T Dinamica is the espresso machine for you. Because let’s face it, there are mornings where a single shot of espresso simply won’t do. This machine is also perfect for those who have partners that are also coffee lovers. With a steep price, this espresso maker is definitely not for everyone. But if you have the means, then this machine will surely give you your money’s worth. There are several reasons why this machine is superior to others in the market. First, it gives you perfectly ground coffee all the time thanks to its advanced milling technology. Second, it provides the option for having either strong black espresso, regular coffee with milk, or a creamy latte. This machine cleans itself so it’s very easy to maintain.


Breville, which is a trusted name when it comes to kitchen appliances. It makes reliable coffee machines as well. The reason why some people don’t make espresso at home is that they find it hard to make. Well, the Breville BES870 CRN is for all the lazy folks out there. This machine makes espresso-making a breeze. When you have this on your kitchen counter, there’s no reason for you not to make espresso every morning. Kudos to Breville for understanding how busy modern life can get. With this machine, all you need is one minute to have great-tasting espresso. And it does the job without sacrificing the great aroma and flavor that comes with making a cup of espresso. Another great feature of this machine is that it allows users to personalize their cups.. You can also easily control the temperature of your coffee with this machine. It also has a micro-foam milk function that allows you to enhance the taste of your coffee.



Philips is a brand that is not really known for its coffee machines. But it is a well-known brand with a long history of making quality home and kitchen appliances. One of the best things about Philips appliances is that they are relatively inexpensive compared to other brands. The Philips 3100 Series Fully Automatic Espresso Machine is one machine that can rival the best espresso machines available. It has plenty of useful features that can help you craft the perfect espresso cup with ease. One of the niftiest features of this machine is the AquaClean function. When installed, then you don’t have to descale the machine for up to 5,000 cups. This machine can also help you concoct five different cups of coffee beverages. This means you can become your very own barista at home. And with its ceramic grinders, you can be sure to have perfectly ground beans every time.

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