Best Movies on Gambling You Must Watch


Before we talk about the movies that are associated with gambling, let us quickly establish what basically gambling is. When we talk about gambling there are three things to be present, which are a consideration, risk, and a prize. So with regards to the previous statement, we can confidently say that gambling is to play a game or games in the hope of a desired result or you may call it a prize. Or we can also say that gambling is playing games with the intention to win money. People usually confuse gambling with casinos. Allow me to explain. A casino is a building where gambling games are played and not to mix it with actual gambling.

Now that we know what gambling is, here are the movies that are related to gambling and which we would suggest you to watch. Each movie mentioned in the list contains exceptional drama, fun, risk, and tension all at once.

The Gambler

As the name suggests this is a serious gambling movie no pun intended. The movie’s story revolves around the main character “Jim Bennet” who is an English professor and a high-stakes gambler. Since Bennet is a high-risk taker and a gambler he makes the mistake of borrowing money from a gangster and offers his own life as indemnity. No wonder he lost all the money which he took from the gangster and loses it in gambling. Now I won’t spoil the whole movie but you have to watch it to know what bennet does to get rid of the gangster. And how he got his second chance. We know that after watching the movie you’ll also have the urge to start playing so before signing up for any casino, it is always good to read online casino reviews first and double your deposit. If you want to do so, you can learn more about it at


This is one of the classic movies related to gambling and casino in general. It was released in 1995 and is based on the nonfiction book “Casino: Love and horror in Las Vegas”. The main story revolves around the character “Sam” who is assigned a task by the Chicago outfit as a handicapper to take care of the day-to-day task in the casino and hotel operations. You’ll see Sam’s operations in the film and how he tackles all kinds of obstacles in his job. As of 2017, the film holds the record of the most dialogue in a film with over 67,618 spoken words in its screenplay. Which are 7 times the words of an average movie.


Another movie in our best movies list is “Rounders”. This is also a classic American drama film that focuses on the theme of the underground world of high-stakes poker. It has a lot of tension and drama and jaw-dropping scenes. The follows two friends “Mike McDermott” and Lester Murphy aka “Worm” who need to win at all costs in order to quickly pay off a large debt. We would refrain from telling you more so you can enjoy the movie. We are sure you would appreciate and love the movie and its characters.

The Card Counter

The Card Counter

Next on our list is a modern-era movie “The Card Counter” written and directed by your own Paul Schrader. The film has an 87% approval rating on “Rotten Tomatoes” which makes it a must-watch for gambling enthusiasts.  The story moves along with the character “William Tell”, a gambler who taught himself how to count cards when he was prisoned for eight years is a military prison. Tell has an amazing personality, he thinks that one is to bet small and win modestly. Strange right? People in gambling try to make a lot of money and mostly lose all. Tell philosophy gives the movie a non-conventional route. It is a must-watch movie and we do recommend this if you want to see things in a different direction.

The Grand

Our next best movie is a 2008 improvised comedy movie. The important thing that makes this movie a masterpiece is a fact that the actors played a real poker game and the director recorded the entire scene. Basically, the main focus of the movie is a Poker tournament played at the “Golden Nugget” in Las Vegas. Where actors played a poker game while scenes were filmed. There was no script for the winner and it was decided based on that game. Isn’t it a strange yet amazing movie to watch and enjoy?

7 Days to Vegas

7 Days to Vegas

Next on our list is “7 days to Vegas” an American comedy film that was released in 2019. The Director of the movie is Eric Balfour. The story revolves around the character “Duke” and “Sebastion”. Duke is a washed-up former actor living in L.A. Duke partners up with Sebastion in order to make more money until he realized that he is a douc bag. Now, what will duke have to do in order to get out of the critical situation? You’ll have to watch the movie yourself. The movie has almost a 6-star rating on IMDB.


These are the movies we picked up and reviewed. There is no particular order but a random list of the best movies which we think are a great mixture of drama, comedy, and tension. According to our research, all movies are the best and worth watching. You should at least try a couple of them and see for yourself.


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