Best Outdoor Activities in Chicago For Adventure Seekers


Adventure seekers have a wide array of choices when it comes to outdoor activities in Chicago. Well, that is if the sun is up and the cold season hasn’t arrived yet. That’s why it’s best to take advantage of the sunny weather and enjoy the outdoors.

If you go to Google and search for the top activities to do in Chicago, you will see a list of many awesome beaches. Of course, apart from travel, Google knows everything from the worst mobile game to the best online blackjack. With that, it doesn’t just answer whatever questions we have in mind, but it can also serve as a guide for travelers.

Although Chicago is known for its beaches, there are so many enjoyable activities that one can do apart from soaking up the sun on white sands. such as shopping for affordable wholesale t shirts chicago. Yes, Chicago can fulfill your thirst for adventure and discovery! Check out 11 best outdoor activities in Chicago that you shouldn’t miss!

1. Kayaking

Work up a sweat while sightseeing on a kayak Urban Kayaks! Both newbie kayakers and experienced ones can have a great time paddling while looking around Chicago’s most architecturally striking buildings.

2.  Biking and Scootering

There’s no better way to discover Chicago than to bike or scoot around the Chicago Lakefront Trail! One can enjoy a leisurely ride rolling past beaches and famous sites. You can also detour to the 91-acre peninsula of Northerly Island to experience wildlife and nature. If you are looking for the top best kick scooters, Mobility Seeker’s guide on adult scooters is the one I’ll recommend to check out.

3. Ziplining  

Shout with excitement as you zip your way through Bemis Woods! You can also enjoy obstacle courses, giant rope nets, Tarzan swings, and more. Isn’t it nice to bond with nature while giving those muscles a stretch?

4. Scuba Diving

If you want something extraordinary, you can do scuba diving with Scuba Sensations. This is indeed one experience that you wouldn’t forget. Aside from being there for mere leisure, you can even get certified by enrolling in their courses!

5. Boating, Rafting, and Kayaking 

Whether you are doing this alone or with a group, you will surely enjoy the scenic views, the sunset tour, and the overall experience with Chicago River Canoe & Kayak. It isn’t just the feeling of being at the waters that make this fulfilling, but the views of nature are definitely worth it.

6. Speedboat Ride

There’s a more thrilling water adventure option aside boating and kayaking. If you feel the need for speed, then take an exhilarating speedboat ride with Lake Michigan Speedboat Ride! Riding a 2000-horsepower engine is undoubtedly a great experience.

7. Enjoy Chicago’s beaches

The beaches in Chicago are one of the best things in the area. You can try the Juneway Beach, Fargo Beach, Marion Mahony Griffin Beach, Rogers Beach, and many others. Don’t forget to bring your beach towels so you can enjoy sunbathing too!

8. Visit Lincoln Park Zoo 

If you have kids with you, it would be best to visit the Lincoln Park Zoo, which is free of admission fee so you can see over 1,200 animals, including polar bears and sloths! Getting a close encounter with animals would be great for you and your kids.

9. Aerial Tours

Did you ever dream of flying? Enjoy aerial views of Chicago’s skyline through the Chicago Helicopter Experience or the Chicago Aerial Tours. Your journey will give you a fantastic view of the city’s panoramas, waterfront, and even historic landmarks.

10. Hiking 

You’ll definitely get a good look around Chicago if you follow the 606 Urban Hiking Trail, which is a 2.7-mile elevated pathway. You’ll pass an old railway, Humboldt Park, and many bars and restaurants.

11. Rock Climbing 

There are several places where you can rock climb in Chicago, but you’ll love the 40ft high outdoor climbing area of Maggie Daley Park. You can even bring your friends since the place is so spacious that it can accommodate about 100 people.

Of course, aside from those mentioned, you can take a stroll in the park. There are different parks in the Chicago Park District, which operates 580 parks stretching out across 8,100 acres of municipal parkland. Now that gives you so many options! You can no doubt go to a park whenever you want to so you can stroll, jog or just chill in its benches.

Whatever you decide you do, you will no doubt have a great time in Chicago, especially if you love the outdoors! But there are also various indoor activities that you can do as well, which will also make your stay unforgettable!

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