Best Ways To Light Up Your Home During Diwali


With Diwali around the corner, you might be busy with your festive preps. Deep cleaning your home, buying gifts and shopping for delicacies must be filling you with excitement. But the only last-minute thing which remains is lighting up your home. You can do something unique for your home during Diwali. The perfumed candles can be used. Gracie Moon Scents has a wide selection of unique candles to help you relax and unwind.

Lighting is the main show stealer of Diwali. So breaking up with routine Diwali lights, try something fresh this year. Here are some creative suggestions on how you can make your lighting look different.

LED Diyas

Give a twist to your Diwali home with LED diyas. They are convenient to fix on any support. Their variety of colours give a fresh sheen to the surroundings.

These are eco-friendly as well, as they emit no smoke. Also, they last longer than traditional oil diyas. From the living room to the lining of terrace walls, they are easy to install anywhere. China leds lights are quite popular as they are pretty affordable and come in many beautiful designs.

Paper Lantern Strings

Paper Lantern Strings

During Diwali Square shaped and cylinder Paper Lanterns can add an aesthetic touch to your house. You can hang them in a string in various manners. These will give a classy look whether you turn them inside your home or outside it.

A speedy alternative to this is paper bags. Lit bulbs, when kept in thin paper bags, give the same glow as readymade paper lanterns. These paper lantern DIYs look very beautiful when you line up your garden path with them.

Lased LED Light Towers

Lased LED Light Towers

These light towers are the perfect candidate if you want to highlight a corner of your home. They can be used in garden areas, along with indoors. They are varieties of LED Light Towers when it comes to patterns. They are generally made of galvanized steel.

The colours they can exhibit also have a variety of combinations. To control the light colours, they come with a remote control system. They come fully assembled, and you don’t have to worry about figuring out their separate parts.

You’ll be surprised to see how your dead spaces can be beautifully used through these light towers. When used in the garden, they give the perfect Diwali vibe.

Chain lights

Chain lights

They are one of a kind with their LED balls. They use less energy than incandescent bulbs and hence are eco friendly. With their mini round lanterns appearance, they are pretty beautiful to look at. They come in a variety of patterns and colours to choose from.

There are many creative ways to hang the strings on your windows and walls. Shadow cast by the patterned chain lights gives a unique appearance to walls. A single light string can be used in as many creative ways that you wish to.

Caged Diyas

Caged Diyas

Metal cages are an exquisite decoration option. With their polished metal surface, the sheen they reflect is royal. Even with minimal light sources, cages and metal holders can amplify the light to the maximum. The aesthetic appeal reaches the sky with these beautiful ornaments.

These cages often come in brass or bronze. Along with keeping them on the ground, you can also hang them through ceilings. Hanging them on porches and balconies can give your home a whole another Diwali flavour.

Bulb strings

Bulb strings

Classic bulbs can be brought back into fashion. With the proper techniques, they can give a vintage vibe to your home. It would be best if you consider matching them with warm shades. For instance, bulbs and wood can provide a charming aesthetic.

If you have wooden looking polishes throughout your house, bulbs will blend seamlessly with the warm home mood. Make sure the bulb glasses are crystal clear, and the light isn’t too sharp. Diffused light coming out of clear glasses will be a beautiful spectacle to watch.

Round paper lanterns

Round paper lanterns

Round paper lanterns are such a classic on Diwali. To give them a twist this year, we suggest you use more than one lantern in clusters.

More than indoors, they will give a nice view when hanging with something as dense as trees over them. Choose multiple colour lanterns and assort them together. When choosing outdoors, make sure the light is bright, and the paper material is sturdy enough.

Fairy lights in mason jars

Fairy lights in mason jars

Out of many ideas to use fairy lights, one is using mason jars. Very simple to make, fairy lights in mason jars will light up your home excellently. You only have to keep fairy lights or any string light in clean mason jars from your kitchen. Shove them in and see how gorgeously they brighten your evening!

You can hang these too by attaching a wire to their metal lids. Slanting light-filled jars by the side of the room will provide your home with a modern look as vintage. Keeping them by the window sill will make up for indoor and outdoor decor both at the same time.

Bottled Lights

Bottled Lights

Just like mason jars, wine bottles are a fantastic lighting option as well. Their colourful opaque glasses reflect the light differently than mason jars. A collection of light-infused wine bottles on the side table will make your living space look more stylish than traditional diyas and candles.

Floating diyas

Floating diyas

Style your Diwali with candle tea candles. If your house features a pool, floating diyas will give it a striking look. If there is no pool, rock your floating tea candles in a tub! Scented candles and flower petals will give your little pool a very dynamic look.

You can keep two-three tubs in the centre of your living space. On a low table or floor, these lights will look equally well with a dimly lit background.



As typical as they are in Indian functions, micro or rice lights can be used creatively. You can mount them in a pattern of bound circles on walls. You can also use them with a hula hoop. Wind the microlights around the hula hoop and let some strings fall upside down. Hanging from the ceiling on your balcony, the hula hoops will add charm to the front of your home.

Source: Unsplash

In conclusion

With a bit of creativity, shopping, and DIY, you can develop the best lighting systems for your home. We hope these tips will spark your Diwali and creativity!


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