Best ways to upgrade your wardrobe this summer


Hot weather and sunshine shouldn’t prevent you from showing off your individual style. As the summer approaches, now is the ideal time to have a wardrobe sort out and invest in a few new key pieces. 

Why is a wardrobe upgrade essential?

An upgraded wardrobe will make you feel better as a well thought out outfit is known to improve mood and increase self-confidence. This scientific effect is referred to as Enclothed Cognition. 

For example, when wearing a polished suit for a formal occasion, you will feel well put together and adapt your body language, speech, and behavior to match the formality of your dress and the event you’re attending.

Wearing the same clothes day-in day out-out with a few outfits on rotation is a common occurrence. We often become comfortable with these outfits and are too busy to spend the time trying to put something new together.

However, this begins to feel repetitive and uninspired after a while. Upgrading your wardrobe will get you out of this cycle and give you back the motivation to experiment with your style.

The summer is all about lighter or bright colors, lighter fabrics, and adaptability. Here are some stylish trends for the summer and tips on what to include in your wardrobes upgrade:

Jean shorts for warm summer days

Jean shorts are one of those key investment pieces that you can get plenty of use out of. There are a huge variety of men’s jean shorts in a range of colors, styles, and fits. From simple black to distressed denim or even ombre or graphic print, there are plenty of options to explore.

Jean shorts can be paired with a simple cotton t-shirt, either plain or with a graphic print. For chiller days or evenings, a pull over hoodie can be coordinated with this look. 

You have a great choice of footwear with this casual look, your favorite sneakers, vans or converses will pair well. Sliders and flip flops are also ideal for a beachy look.

The classic chinos and polo combo

Two other items you should consider for your wardrobe update are polo shirts and chino pants. These two items pair perfectly well together and can take you from daytime to evening in style.

Cotton polos are comfortable and lighter colors work best for spending time out in the sun. Chinos are also lightweight and ideal for travel, choose between slim fit, straight leg, or athletic fit.

Hawaiian shirts and plain cotton tees also look great with chinos for a more laid-back feel. 

A decent pair of sneakers

Sneakers are probably one of the most versatile pieces of men’s footwear and well worth investing in. Why not step out of your comfort zone and pick a new style, such as hi-top sneakers and suede?

Be sure to use the appropriate weatherproofing and cleaning products to extend the lifetime of your kicks across the seasons.

What to do with your old clothes

What to do with your old clothes

If you are clearing out your closet to make way for some new summer threads, you may need to get rid of some of your less worn or forgotten-about pieces. Donating them to a charity collection is one great option and will ensure they don’t go to waste.

Alternatively, clothes swaps with friends can be fun or reusing the fabric for something else is an option for crafty individuals. Anything that keeps your old clothes out of the landfill is good for the environment. 

When selecting new pieces, think carefully about budget, color palette and which styles suit your physique and personal style best. 

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