Braces or clear aligners – Know the differences to make the right choice


The position of teeth is critical for ensuring proper bite while eating and improving appearance. Orthodontics is the branch of dentistry that can correct poorly positioned teeth, which in plain words, mean teeth straightening. Orthodontic procedures are more effective in children because the treatment being carried out in the early years of a child’s life facilitates the growth of permanent teeth by creating space. Orthodontic treatment addresses issues of realigning teeth, adjusting the space between teeth, correcting too high teeth, or an overbite suits people of all ages.

Teeth straightening enhances your smile and improves functionality by strengthening the jaw muscles so that you can chew better that improves digestion. Dentists usually recommend braces or clear aligners like Invisalign Las Vegas for the orthodontic process of teeth straightening.

Conventional braces

Braces are useful in teeth straightening and have been in use for years but are now more discreet and less unsightly. The process uses small porcelain or metal brackets on the front of the teeth and is interconnected by a wire as an arch. The dentist adjusts the wire’s tightness to make the teeth move into the optimal position as envisaged in the treatment plan. The arrangement exerts controlled and steady pressure to move the teeth in the desired direction. Many wire changes would be necessary to vary the applied pressure or tension on the teeth until completion of the process when the teeth reach the targeted position. Braces shift all teeth at the same time. A periodical visit to the dentist at an interval of 6-8 weeks is scheduled to monitor the treatment. And if you’re facing gum issues, you can sort out gum diseases with a Dentist in Vista.

Clear aligners

Despite the improvement in braces that have become much more discreet, the sight of braces is not acceptable to many people as it reveals the ongoing treatment and creates mental stress. Clear aligners are almost invisible and a modern technique of teeth straightening for addressing mild to moderate orthodontic issues. The principle of teeth alignment with clear aligners is the same as that of conventional braces by applying controlled pressure on teeth, but the technique is different. To camouflage the teeth straightening device, the orthodontist uses aligner systems or tray transparent and remains almost invisible. Aligners are removable and made from medical grade plastics without using any metal or rubber inserts.  A lot of experts reviewed the benefits and advantages of Byte aligners, Invisalign, and other brands of popular teeth aligners.

Long term treatment

The treatment is long term as the dentist makes adjustments every 6-8 weeks, but aligners are changed every fortnight on an average. Each aligner adjusts your teeth according to a pre-determined plan drawn by the dentist, who keeps varying the pressure to achieve the desired result. Although the treatment takes time to complete, it is faster than the procedure done using conventional braces. However, the time of completion and the treatment outcome depends on the discipline of patients who must wear the aligners regularly for the period advised by the dentist.

Clear aligners are better than conventional braces because you can remove the aligners for a brief period to enjoy healthy eating and cleaning. The tongue and cheeks well tolerate the aligners’ smooth plastic surface than other devices used for teeth straightening.

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