Breast Augmentation F.A.Q


If you are considering breast augmentation, then you must have lingering questions in your mind about the process and the procedure itself. How is the procedure done? How long before I heal? Is it safe? Can I breastfeed afterwards and many more.

Here are some answers to a number of breast augmentation FAQs.

Is the procedure safe?

Just like any other surgical procedure, breast augmentation has risks. Go through all the relevant educational materials with your surgeon before the procedure so you can make an informed decision and ask pertinent questions.

The risks are in bleeding and healing. In some cases, you can experience bleeding on the surgical incision although it is not a major problem. However, severe capsular contracture (scar tissue tightening around the implant) may require corrective surgery.

While the infection is rare, in case it occurs, it should be treated with antibiotics. If it is adamant, then the implant should be removed until the infection is resolved and then reinserted.

To ensure a safe procedure, use the services of a skilled surgeon such as the one for breast augmentation Gilbert AZ.

Can I breastfeed afterward?

You should discuss the need to breastfeed with your surgeon before the augmentation. The ability to breastfeed will depend on where the incision is made. According to studies, women who get periareolar incision during the surgery experience breastfeeding problems. Those who get infra-mammary (under the breast) or trans-axillary (armpit) incisions do not experience breastfeeding problems.

Where the implant is placed does not interfere with the ability of the breast to produce milk. The implants are placed submuscular (below the chest muscles) or subglandular (below the breast tissue).

Is the augmentation suitable for sagging breasts?

You can get breast augmentation with sagging breasts but it does not correct the sagging. You will still need additional surgery or breast lift to correct the sagging.

Which is the best implant option?

There are various implant options each with its pros and cons. There are saline implants and silicone implants. Silicone implants consist of silicone shells filled with silicone gel while saline implants are filled with saltwater.

Together with your physician, you should weigh the pros and cons of each type of implants and chose the best for you.

Will I be required to replace the implants?

Once the implants are in place, they are meant to last a lifetime unless there are complications such as leakage, the implant shifting or the area around the implant getting a hardened scar.

Will I get a scar?

Yes, you will get a scar. However, with proper incision patterns and proper care, scars can be kept at a minimum and fade away over time.

Will nipple sensation change?

After augmentation surgery, most women experience loss of sensation on the nipples. This can return to normal in 6 months to a year although some women experience a change in nipple sensation permanently.

Can I exercise after the surgery?

You should wait at least six weeks after the surgery before you perform any intense exercise such as weight lifting, jogging, and biking. Such exercises can cause implants to change position or cause healing problems to the wound.

However, it is recommended that you take light exercises such as walking immediately.

When should I go back to work?

This will depend on the type of job. You can go back to work within a week. You should take longer to go back to physically demanding jobs.  You should avoid upper arm movements for about 2 weeks. Wait until 6 weeks before you lift heavy items of more than 5 pounds.

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