Can You Claim for a Personal Injury Suffered at Work?


While employers in every state must provide safe and healthy work environments to their employees, sometimes employers’ negligence can create unsafe situations in which workers are injured.

Other times, even when employers have put safety protocols in place, accidents still happen.

Either way, many employees across the nation experience physical injuries, as well as psychological injuries and occupational illnesses, every year.

At least every state in the U.S. has some type of system to help employees who are injured at work.

So, if you’re unfortunate enough to suffer an injury at the workplace, you may be able to make a personal injury claim and receive compensation to help cover the costs of things like medical bills and lost earnings.

What are your rights?

While workers’ compensation laws greatly vary from one state to another, there are multiple legal rights that apply to workers in all states.

For example

  • You have the right to file a claim for your workplace-related injury in workers’ compensation court.
  • You have the right to return to work once your physician has cleared you for returning to work.
  • If you’re unable to return to work due to your injury, whether that’s temporary or permanent, you have the right to claim disability compensation.
  • If you disagree with decisions made by your employer, your employer’s insurance firm, or the workers’ compensation court, you have the right to appeal those decisions.
  • You have the right to be represented by a personal injury lawyer throughout the entire process.

What to Expect When You Consult a Personal Injury Lawyer

After you suffer an injury at work, it’s important that, after receiving medical care, you consult a personal injury lawyer.

With an attorney on board, he or she can fight on your behalf to help you gain the fair compensation you’re entitled to.

When you go with a law firm like, you can ensure your lawyer will act swiftly to carefully investigate and handle all aspects of your claim while providing a personalized service and assisting you in navigating legal complexities.

You Need to Prove Your Employer Is Liable

As with any other type of personal injury claim, in order to win your case, you need to prove that your injury was due to the negligence of another; in this case, your employer.

Of course, employers need to always take care of their employees, not just in preventing accidents. For instance, they could help their employees with their student loans.

To prove liability for a workplace injury, you should hire a personal injury lawyer from the offset, as he or she will have the necessary skills to compile and present compelling evidence to help you gain the compensation you deserve.

Can you make a claim against someone other than your employer?

Not all workplace injuries are the responsibility of the employer.

Another employee could be liable for an injury. Even the manufacturer of a defective piece of machinery could be held responsible.

So, you have the right to make a claim against any third party who is deemed liable for your injury.

Again, that’s why you need an experienced lawyer. He or she will be able to help you determine who is responsible for your accident.

Also, bear in mind that third-party claims, such as the example of the manufacturer of defective equipment, are civil lawsuits and therefore they’re handled in state or federal courts.

How long does it take to resolve a claim?

Every workplace injury compensation claim is different. The majority are settled out of court, and while most claims take a matter of months to resolve, some can take years.

Your lawyer should be able to give you an indication of how long your case is likely to take to resolve.



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