Can’t Go on Holiday? Check out These Digital Destinations


This year has put a strain on all of us, and as we approach the New Year’s Eve, the urge to relax and unwind only gets stronger. Christmas is the time of year when we are all taking a break – but it seems there won’t be a break this year. So, let’s get a digital vacation.

We rounded up the best digital tourism offers we could muster, which we think will be perfect for travelling this year. If you have a bucket list, now is the best time to explore and cross off destinations!

Virtual Museum Tours

If there is one good thing that happened this year, it’s the increase in popularity of virtual tours. Granted, virtual tours have existed for some time now, but never have we had a chance to access exclusive places like we do today.

One of the best examples is the Louvre, which is, according to Forbes, ranked as the world’s best virtual tour to take during coronavirus. The official Mona Lisa residence houses thousands of masterpieces which you can visit through 15 virtual tours.

Guggenheim, London’s National Museum, Rijksmuseum in Amsterdam, and Seoul’s National Museum of Modern and Contemporary Art closely follow on the list.

If you have a passion for visiting museums but haven’t had a chance to visit these legendary places, now is your time. Tours are accessible 24/7, and they give you an opportunity to see each painting and sculpture displayed in the rooms.

The best thing about virtual museum tours is the lack of crowds – you don’t have to push through throngs of people to see a work of art. Instead, you can sit cosily in your favourite chair (or on the couch) and explore the wonderful world of world art.

VR Tourism Hotspots

Virtual Reality (VR) has come a long way from a hard-to-imagine concept that only sounds good. The use of VR in everyday life is constantly changing. The virus outbreak pushed VR more under the spotlight, as we were forced to rely on technology more than ever.

On the other hand, the pandemic hindered tourism to a great extent. Travel today is, simply put, shut down. Airports are empty, hotels are waiting for next year to bring in customers, and cafés, pubs, and restaurants are eerily silent. Enter VR.

Thanks to VR, magical castles in Germany and Scotland are not just pipe dreams. You can still visit them – and stay safe at home. Germany is currently the champion of VR tourism as viewers can access numerous VR trips around the country. The German National Tourist Board has devised a strategy that helps viewers experience the charms of the German countryside, as well as enjoy Baltic and the North Sea coasts.

The perk of going on VR tours is that you get to see wonders you wouldn’t otherwise see this year – all without packing, suitcases, and carrying luggage anywhere.

Digital Gambling Venues

Sightseeing is a fun activity for many of us. However, not everyone enjoys looking at art and walking through VR castles.

If you belong to this group who always seeks more entertainment on vacations, we have another great solution. Imagine the most opulent Las Vegas casinos or exclusive gambling rooms in Monte Carlo. Did you ever want to visit them?

You can do that now! The pandemic has brought in a rise of internet gaming as well, and the online casino industry was affected as well. A surge of online gambling activity hinted at the growing popularity of internet casinos that is yet to reach its peak.

Moreover, software companies and gambling brands working in the online sector have found a way to boost the experience even further for the players. If you want to feel like you are in a real casino, you can – with live dealer tables.

Typically streamed from exclusive studios, these games feature real croupiers working at the tables. Certain providers even went a step further and started streaming from real land-based casinos around the world. If you want to experience the best casino experience in a genuine atmosphere without leaving the house, these games are the answer. You can find them at various casinos online which offer some of the most popular casino games to customers.

To the 3D Moon and Back

With museums, castles, and luxurious casinos online covered, you have a chance to travel the (virtual) world in a couple of days. But what happens when you get bored of that? What could bring the element of wonder without being a repeat of previous experiences?

We know – a trip around Mars. Google and NASA are giving you a chance to see the real surface of Mars. The voyage is out of this world – and that’s precisely what we are looking for.

Access Mars is the name of the WebVR experiment conducted by Google and NASA Jet Propulsion Laboratory. See what NASA’s Curiosity rover recorded – straight from your browser.

If you are not interested in exploring Mars with NASA’s rover, you can always direct your curiosity in a different direction. You have plenty of options; you just need to know what to look for.

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