Casino bonuses – the beginner’s guide


100 free spins! $20 no-deposit bonus on joining! We have all seen the ads, and it would seem that the ever-growing number of casinos operating in cyberspace will do anything to get us to walk in through their virtual doors and try our luck with a spin of the reels or a roll of the dice. Indeed, when you look at some of those promotions, it appears that some of them are even prepared to throw money at us to play their games.

Can things really be that simple? Surely there must be a catch to those promotions that seem to be offering you some gambling money with which to try your luck. Let’s take a closer look at some of the most common casino bonuses and promotions to find out what’s really going on

Welcome bonuses

This is the sort of promotion you see all the time, and it is one that is aimed squarely at attracting new players. Welcome bonuses are usually marketed quite aggressively, and you’ll see screaming headlines offering, for example, a 100% bonus on your opening deposit. This will be subject to some maximum, which could be anything from $50 to $1,000.

It simply means that when you open a new account, the casino will match your opening deposit. Note that the bonus money will always be subject to a wagering requirement. This means that even if you win with your bonus money, you will need to re-bet your winnings a set number of times before you can withdraw them as cash.  Also don’t forget about options like Judi Poker as well.

Free spin bonuses

Here’s a straightforward type of bonus that you often see in casinos. In fact, they are so common that there is even a review site called ( that is specifically dedicated to comparing the different free spins deals on offer from various online platforms.

Casinos will typically offer you a certain number of free spins on joining. The good thing about free spins is that they are not usually subject to a wagering requirement. They generally act in the same way as paid spins, so if you do manage to land a winner, you are not obliged to reinvest the winnings, you can simply take the money and walk away. Note that in many casinos, the free spins can only be used on certain specific games.

No-deposit bonuses

Finally, the bonus that many people think looks too good to be true. A no-deposit bonus is different from the welcome bonus we mentioned earlier in that you are not under any obligation to stump up money of your own. With a no-deposit bonus you need only open an account and they casino will put some money in there for you. Free money? Now surely there must be a catch.

First, you need to note that the no-deposit will be a more modest amount than the welcome bonus where your own contribution is matched. It might be $10 or $20, but seldom more. Secondly, if you are lucky enough to win, be warned that the wagering requirements are usually quite onerous. The danger is that you can be tempted to start throwing in more and more of your own money as you attempt to chase the loss, so always keep a clear head and be ready to walk away if things don’t work out.

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