Abandoned Places


You Can Visit an Abandoned Star Wars Movie Set

Star Wars is one of the world’s most successful and highest-grossing movie franchises, with a global box office revenue of more than ten billion...

What Are The Most Famous Abandoned Buildings In The World?

These magnificent buildings were most likely worth millions of dollars when they were built. Now, they're falling apart. The building had grown aware of...

What Strange Abandoned Places Are in Texas?

Do you love visiting eerie and abandoned places? In an area as large as Texas, there’s a wealth of beautiful abandoned buildings and locations...

The Stories Behind Spooky Abandoned Places

We humans have always been wired to wonder and think about certain things, most especially if it has a creepy backstory. We can all...

Bhangarh Fort: Stories Behind India’s Most Haunted Site

Renowned as India’s most haunted site, Bhangarh Fort is shrouded with eeriness and mystery. While it spooks many and causes people to fly far...

Creeping into The Abandoned Ho Thuy Tien Waterpark in Vietnam

One of the most enjoyable parts of travelling is discovering hidden gems. And by that, we mean places that others do not usually come...

Precautions to Take When Photographing Abandoned Place

Each time we see a photograph of an old picture, we can’t help but admire the beauty of the place and just think what...

Rules for Exploring Abandoned Places

If you are an adventurous type of person, then you should be up for exploring various unique and exciting places, such as historical mines, ...

Most Amazing Abandoned Casinos in the World

Gambling is one of the most popular recreational activities that many people love. This is why tourists also include casinos in their itineraries when...

Abandoned Mansions with Intriguing Stories

Who wouldn’t love to live in a mansion? A mansion filled with multiple rooms, elegant lights, artistic design, and a classy ambiance is a...


Top 5 Countries where Indians can Travel without a Visa

Taking a break from the daily work life and flying to your favourite holiday escape is all you need to boost your soul and...

Rare Carat ; Buying Diamonds Online

Not exceptionally far before, buying a wedding ring commonly involved going to a pearl trained professional, either in the mall or on focal road....

Gift Giving: 5 Tips for Choosing the Perfect Toy for a Baby or Toddler

The world of baby toys can be overwhelming for new parents and well-meaning gift-givers. Whether it’s a silicone baby feeding set from an online...