The Arts


Famous Paintings and the Stories Behind Them

From time to time, the words that tell the story about a painting can be more captivating than the actual portrait itself. Below you...

Exploring Some of the World’s Best Music Scenes and Festivals

If you’re a music buff you certainly keep tap on all the festivals and events related to music. With so many genres to explore,...

What are the most popular web serial novels of all time?

Web serial novels—sometimes referred to as "webfiction" or the "online novel"—are the prose equal of webcomics, which also happen to contain unique Story Arcs....

What were the most successful books in the past 200 years?

Since ancient times, books have been an essential component of human culture, acting as a channel for the passage of ideas, knowledge, and stories...

Where to Sell Or Consign Your High Valued Paintings

Among the myriad forms of artistic expression, paintings hold a special place, offering a window into the artists soul through the canvas. This traditional...

What are the Scariest Paintings

Art has the power to touch, motivate, enthrall, disturb, and even frighten people. When people think about art, they usually think of beautiful nature...

Why the Vikings Left Greenland?

Greeland is one of the most mysterious places in the world. Part of what keeps it a mystery is that no one clearly knows...

The Similarities Between Greek and Roman Mythology

For centuries, people have been following Greek and Roman mythology. There was a time when these mythologies were mere theories but as time passed...

The Importance of Minerva in Roman Mythology

Minerva in Roman mythology is a goddess of wisdom and strategic warfare. Law, justice, victory, and the sponsor of trade, arts, and strategy. Unlike...

Pluto: The Dark Lord of the Underworld

According to classical Mythology, Pluto was the ruler of the underworld. Initially, its name was Hades, which was later changed to Pluto. In ancient...


Everything You Need to Know About Free Trials to Watch Free Movies on Netflix

Netflix, the global streaming giant, offers a vast library of movies, TV shows, documentaries, and original content. While Netflix no longer offers a free...

Greenery in the Kitchen: How to Infuse Nature into Your Home Design

Key Takeaways Embracing the transformative power of greenery in kitchen design. Incorporating plant life to elevate both aesthetics and air quality. Utilizing green elements...

Essential Summer-Ready HVAC Maintenance: Your Seasonal Checklist

As the mercury rises and summer approaches, shifting our focus from heating to cooling is imperative. Your Heating, Ventilation, and Air Conditioning (HVAC) system needs seasonal...