Clogged or Slow Running Sink Drain? Here are 5 Things that You can Do


Few things can be as infuriating as having to deal with a drain that is constantly backed up. You probably tried a few tricks at this point to no avail. Or maybe they end up working for a while only for them to get clogged again.

Before you give in to frustration, know that there are some things that you may be able to do to fix the situation. You should also know when things are serious and you should call outside help. Here’s what you can do if you’re dealing with clogged or slow running drains.

Take the Pop up Out

Another thing you could do to fix the issue is to take the pop up out. The way these are shaped makes them prone to accumulation, and hair will tend to get stuck in it. The pop up is usually attached to a nut under the sink and is pretty easy to take out. All you have to do is twist it out and you can remove the pop-out, clean it thoroughly, and put it back in.

Zip the Debris Out

If you think there might be some debris lodged in the drain, you could get a Zip-it and try to extract it. It’s a long tool that was made specifically to go into drains and pull out common debris like hair, for instance. These are pretty cheap and will fit into any drain, even one with a pop-up.

Make Your Own Drain Cleaning Solution

You don’t need to spend money on Drano to create a powerful drain cleaning solution. You can make one with stuff you probably have in your house right now.

All you have to do is pour boiling water into the drain, then add ½ cup of baking soda and ½ of vinegar. Wait about 10 minutes then pour boiling hot water again. Flush everything out with hot water and see what happens.

Check the Sink Overflow

You may think that the small hole just under your tap doesn’t serve any real purpose, but it plays a very crucial job. One is to make sure that the sink doesn’t pour over if you overfill it by accident. It’s also there to let some air in, which is essential for your drains to work optimally. So check to see if there could be anything obstructing it as this could be the reason behind the back-up.

Call the Pros

If all else fails, you’ll need to call the pros to come in and assess the situation. In some cases, only a specialized team for drain cleaning in St. Louis will be able to fix the issue. Giving your drains a deep clean could be all that it takes to have it running normally. In some cases, they might find out that your pipes are corroded and leaving sediments that are clogging up the drain. In this case, you might have no choice but to have the piping replaced.


As you can see, there are plenty of things that you can do if you notice your drains are backed up. If you can’t solve the issue on your own, know that professionals will be more than happy to give you a hand.

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