Comfortable Ways to Beat the Summer Heat at The Beach


The majority of people are considering going to the beach as a wonderful getaway with friends and family as the summer months quickly approach. Even if everyone thinks this is a fantastic idea, you need to be ready to withstand the intense heat to enjoy the experience and prevent sunburn or dehydration later on. Make sure you and your family are well-prepared for the summer by packing beachside basics that will keep you cool.

Shade Solution

two chairs and a white umbrella on the wooden pier

When heading to the beach on a sunny day, one of the most effective ways to stay cool and comfortable is by creating your shaded oasis. The idea is simple: bring something with you that can provide a protective cover from the direct sunlight. The sun’s rays are strongest and most harmful during the midday hours, so having a shade source is crucial.

The most common and easy-to-use shade solution is a large beach umbrella. These umbrellas are designed to be lightweight and portable, yet sturdy enough to withstand beach breezes. You can set them up right next to your beach towel or chair, instantly creating a cool spot for relaxation. It is like having a personal little escape from the sun’s intensity.

Another great option is a pop-up beach tent. These are particularly useful if you are spending the whole day at the beach or have small children. Tents provide more extensive coverage than umbrellas and often come with side panels for extra sun protection. They create a mini shelter where you can take breaks, enjoy a snack, or even let little ones take a nap in a cooler environment.

But the simplest way to beat the summer heat is by wearing protective gear that will shield you from the extreme heat. You can do this by wearing a sun visor. The common types including caps are okay, but they tend to suffocate your scalp from the heat. Better use a sun visor because it is like an umbrella for your face which you do not have to hold onto.


Coconut fruit cocktail drink in summer on the beach and sea with copy space

Staying hydrated is necessary for enjoying a day at the beach under the hot sun. When it is warm, our bodies lose water faster than usual, primarily through sweating. This can quickly lead to dehydration if we are not careful. To prevent this, it is essential to drink plenty of fluids throughout the day. Water is the best choice for hydration. It is refreshing, readily available, and does not contain any sugars or caffeine that might dehydrate you more.

Bringing a cooler filled with ice and water bottles to the beach is a practical approach. The cooler will keep your water and other beverages chilled, providing a refreshing relief from the heat. You can also freeze a few bottles of water overnight. They will gradually melt over the day, ensuring you have cold water available for longer periods.

Apart from water, you can also bring hydrating snacks like fruits. Watermelon, grapes, and berries are great options as they are packed with water and can help keep you hydrated.

Remember, alcoholic and caffeinated beverages can contribute to dehydration. If you choose to consume these, balance them out with plenty of water.

Breathable Clothing

When you are planning a day at the beach, choosing the right clothing is key to staying cool and comfortable. Breathable clothing is the ideal choice for such hot and humid conditions. These are clothes made from materials that allow air to circulate and heat to escape from your body, helping you to stay cooler.

Fabrics like cotton, linen, and certain lightweight synthetic blends are perfect for beachwear.

  • Cotton – a natural fiber that is soft, lightweight, and allows your skin to breathe. It absorbs sweat and releases it into the air, which helps in cooling your body down.
  • Linen – this other natural fiber, is also highly breathable and even better at conducting heat away from your body, making it an excellent choice for extremely hot days.

Loose-fitting clothes are preferable over tight ones. They allow air to flow between the fabric and your skin, which aids in keeping your body cool. Men would need to ditch their tight swimming trunks and opt for beachwear that is more comfortable for them. The tendency of wearing tight clothing is that it can decrease blood flow to the other parts of the body. As seen in the design of Bondi Joe men’s boardshorts, men’s wear should be comfortable and loose to allow wetness to dissipate. It means that even sweat should easily dry too. 

It is also wise to choose light-colored clothing as they reflect, rather than absorb the sun’s rays. Dark colors can attract heat and make you feel even hotter. So, opting for whites, pastels, or other light shades can make a noticeable difference in your comfort level.


Two Sunscreen on the Beach

Using sunscreen is one of the most important steps you can take when spending time at the beach. The sun’s rays are strongest near the water, where they can reflect off the surface and increase your exposure to harmful UV radiation. This can lead to sunburn, which is not only painful but can also increase your risk of skin damage and skin cancer over time.

To protect your skin, apply a broad-spectrum sunscreen with a high SPF (Sun Protection Factor) before you head out to the beach. Broad-spectrum sunscreens are designed to protect against both UVA and UVB rays, the two types of ultraviolet radiation that can harm your skin. An SPF of 30 or higher is recommended for adequate protection.

You can avoid skin cancer and other skin diseases by constantly using products that are infused with SPF. Spread a generous amount of lotion on your skin 20 minutes before sun exposure then reapply as often as you can.

It is important to apply sunscreen generously and evenly to all exposed skin. Many people do not use enough sunscreen, which reduces its effectiveness. As a general rule, an ounce (about a shot glass full) is needed to cover the entire body.

Remember, sunscreen is not a one-time application. It should be reapplied every two hours, or more frequently if you are swimming or sweating a lot. Even water-resistant sunscreens can wash off or lose effectiveness in water or with sweating.

Do not forget areas like your ears, the back of your neck, and the tops of your feet – places that are often overlooked but can burn easily. Using a lip balm with SPF is also a good idea to protect your lips from sunburn.

Timing Your Visit

Choosing the right time to visit the beach can significantly impact how you experience the summer heat. The sun is at its most intense between 10 AM and 4 PM when UV rays are strongest. During these hours, the risk of sunburn and heat-related issues is highest. To avoid the worst of the heat, it is smart to plan your beach visit either in the early morning or later in the afternoon.

An early morning beach trip offers several advantages. The temperature is cooler, the sun is less intense, and the beach tends to be less crowded. This is a great time for activities like walking along the shore, collecting shells, or simply enjoying the peaceful ambiance. The softer morning light also makes for beautiful photographs!

Alternatively, visiting the beach in the late afternoon or early evening can be equally enjoyable. The temperature drops, the sunlight becomes softer, and you can often catch a spectacular sunset. It is a perfect time for a relaxed swim or a leisurely picnic dinner on the sand.

By avoiding the beach during the hottest part of the day, you not only reduce your risk of sunburn and heat exhaustion but also enjoy a more comfortable and potentially more private beach experience.


Beach, sandals, sunglasses, and airplane. Holidays travel concept

Choosing the right footwear for the beach is crucial for comfort and safety, especially in hot weather. The sand can get surprisingly hot under the summer sun, making it difficult to walk barefoot without burning your feet. This is where appropriate beach footwear comes into play.

Flip-flops or sandals are the ideal choices for beachwear. They are lightweight, easy to slip on and off and provide the necessary protection against the hot sand. Additionally, they are well-suited for the beach environment as they are resistant to water and sand. You can easily rinse them off if they get sandy or wet.

Another advantage of wearing flip-flops or sandals is the breathability they offer. Unlike closed shoes, they allow your feet to stay cool and air out, reducing the likelihood of discomfort or blisters that can be caused by sweaty feet in enclosed shoes.

For those planning more active pursuits, like beach sports or exploring rocky areas, water shoes or sports sandals might be a better option. They offer more protection and grip compared to flip-flops, while still providing ventilation and comfort.

It is important to choose beach footwear that’s durable and comfortable for walking. Remember, you might need to walk longer distances on the sand or along the boardwalk.


Swimming is one of the most enjoyable and refreshing activities you can indulge in during a hot summer day at the beach. When the sun is blazing and the air feels like a warm blanket, plunging into the cool ocean or lake provides instant relief. The water cools your body temperature down, making you feel more comfortable and revitalized. It is a natural and fun way to escape the heat.

Beyond just cooling you off, swimming offers several other benefits. It is a fantastic form of exercise that works out your entire body without putting stress on your joints. Paddling through the water, whether doing leisurely strokes or more vigorous laps, is a great cardiovascular workout. It helps in improving your fitness while you are enjoying your time in the water.

Swimming also has a calming effect on the mind. The rhythmic nature of swimming strokes, combined with the sensation of being in water, can be quite meditative. It is a great way to unwind, clear your mind, and enjoy the serenity of your surroundings.


To comfortably beat the summer heat at the beach, follow these simple tips. Just enjoy your getaway but make sure that preparing enough will help you get the most out of your experience without worrying too much about the harmful effects later on. Remember to take regular breaks to avoid overheating, ensuring a worry-free and enjoyable beach experience.

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