Comprehensive guide: Safety tips to remember when using excavator for construction project


When you run a construction company, you need to streamline all the processes. You need to ensure that you rent out the best heavy machinery.  When you want the construction process to go smooth, then you need to hire a reliable rental company.  You should initially start your search online. Search keywords like Wacker Plate hire or tool hire online. At the same time, it is vital that you take all the precautionary measures for avoiding onsite accidents.

Well, easier said than done. The first step is to education your team about all the precautionary measures that they need to adopt. An excavator is the most commonly used machine on a construction site so we will discuss its precautionary measures here.

Precautions to adopt when using an excavator on the construction site

Looking at the before operation precautions

  • You need to check that the seat belts should be available for comfort and security
  • The utility services of the area should be contacted to mark the job site for structures and underground lines
  • Little details go a long way. Mirrors should be set properly and clean so that the operator has a clear view of the site
  • The operator should not operate the excavator without checking the propelling system

Safety precautions to consider during operation

  • It is better not to allow the riders in the cab or bucket. Excavators have one seat only which is meant for the operator.
  • Attempt should not be made to operate the excavator if the operator is not available on the driving seat
  • When the operator is working on a rough terrain, then he should reduce the speed of the excavator. It is also crucial to slow the excavator in a congested area
  • While moving the excavator on the job site, it is vital to choose a flat route
  • The operator should not move up slopes diagonally. It is best to move up the slopes vertically
  • Propelling up the slopes requires immense technical skill on the part of the operator. The arm and the boom should get extended while bucket should be carried low and rolled out. As a result, it will become easy to drop the bucket.

The bucket needs to be low to the ground during the transportation process. It helps to improves the machine stability and visibility

There are significant precautions which you need to follow after operation also. There are significant precautions which you need to follow after operation also and making use of superior quality kubota v2203 fuel injectors is always beneficial. The unit needs to be parked on a level surface when shutting down. The bucket attachment also needs to be lowered to the ground.

Turn off the auto-idle switch and do not forget to run the engine at half throttle without having any load for some time. It is also crucial to lock the cab when exiting. All these precautions are mandatory for the safety of the staff.

It will not be a bad idea to mark the instructions on the site so that the operator remembers them. You will buy your peace of mind this way.



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