Determining Fault in Orange County Intersection Accidents


An accident can be a traumatic experience. Although it can be a chaotic scene, it is important to collect as much evidence as possible so that the party at fault can be determined. 

A driver at fault is someone that more than likely violated a traffic law. Examples are speeding, running red lights, and failing to yield. Determining the fault of an accident isn’t always easy. Legal experts specializing in traffic and personal injury cases have the investigative skills and experience to determine who is at fault.

What to Do After an Accident

To make everything simpler, you should collect all evidence immediately following the accident if you are physically capable of doing so. Seeking medical attention to stabilize injuries is a priority.

Pay attention to your surroundings and the people around the scene. Ask for help if necessary and remain calm. When in a panic we tend to forget things.

Consult with an Accident Specialist

If you’ve suffered an accident at an Orange County intersection, you’ll want to recover as quickly as possible from your losses. Hiring a lawyer is risk-free as most attorneys work on a contingency basis, which means they only get paid if they are able to get monetary compensation for you by winning the case.

Collect the following items as evidence:

  • Collect statements from witnesses and other drivers, which may include an admission of guilt. Be sure to listen well and let people speak, don’t be in a rush to collect their version.
  • Retrieve names and phone numbers of all parties involved including witnesses. Write down as many details as possible about them.
  • Ask for copies of police reports and citations, which detail valuable information.
  • Keep all medical reports and invoices to prove the extent of your injuries and the ongoing care to rehabilitate completely.
  • Take photographs or video, if possible, to show the vehicles involved, the location of the accident, and the damage to people and property.

How Is Fault Determined at Intersections?

Getting into an accident at an intersection can be one of the scariest moments in anyone’s life. The person that drives the vehicle negligently is the one that will be found to be at fault. 

For example, if you’re waiting to make a left turn and you have a green arrow indicating for you to go, oncoming traffic should have a red light and must yield to turning vehicles in your lane. 

If a driver doesn’t notice that you start to turn and feels that he or she has the right of way, you can get violently smashed into, causing possible damage to the front or right side of your vehicle, not to mention serious physical injuries to you. 

An accident such as this can lead to serious devastation depending on the speed and position of the approaching vehicle. In this case, it is clear that the person that ran the red light at the intersection will be at fault.

Technology Helps Determine Fault at Accident Scenes

Nowadays, we are fortunate to have cameras at many intersections recording 24/7. Police and other investigators will be able to clearly see the sequence of events and create an accurate account of what occurred. It’s important to let your lawyer communicate directly with insurance companies and the police so that you have help suing car accident insurance. Do not attempt to open dialogue yourself because you may end up without compensation for your injuries or in serious legal trouble. Your legal team has experience investigating a great number of traffic accident cases. They will take you every step of the way to ensure you return to your normal life.

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