DIY Teeth Whitening: Does It Worth It?


Teeth whitening is a common dental treatment that enhances one’s smiling and general facial aesthetics. It has become a common practice in the United States as it delves deep into social and even works life. People can opt to get this treatment in two ways; the do-it-yourself (DIY) way, or the professional in-office way.

In both ways, there are many options to select on how to go about teeth whitening, to ensure they get the desired results. Some people will prefer the professional way due to the obvious professional experience, several whitening options, etc. Other people prefer the DIY option if done well. The option you pick depends on what is most important to you. This article expounds more on the do-it-yourself option to help you determine whether it is a viable option.

There are several teeth whitening options under the DIY option. These include;

Baking soda

Baking soda is a mild abrasive that can help you get rid of teeth stains. It also helps in preventing the growth of bacteria. Several studies show that toothpaste with baking soda as an ingredient has teeth whitening capabilities. It may take a few weeks for you to see results.

Hydrogen peroxide

This chemical is common for disinfecting wounds due to its bacteria-killing properties. Hydrogen peroxide is not proven to whiten teeth on its own but several studies show that commercial kinds of toothpaste have it as an ingredient. A mixture of hydrogen peroxide and baking soda leads to a significant result in teeth whitening.

Fruits and vegetables

A mixture of baking soda and smashed fresh strawberries have a magic effect. The malic acid in strawberries helps to discolor the teeth while the baking soda rubs the stains away. Bromelain in pineapples, an enzyme used in making toothpaste, also works in whitening teeth. Eating raw vegetables can rub off the plaque on your teeth and give a whitening effect.



DIY options are the best if you intend to save a few coins. You can get home remedies and over-the-counter whiteners like toothpaste, trays, and mouth rinses for at least $4. Solutions provided by dentists are expensive costing you about $400 or more. These are still quite cheap compared to in-office professional teeth whitening options which cost about $650.


DIY is a more convenient and flexible option compared to the in-office professional option. You can go about your daily business and schedule it for whenever you are free. For the professional option, you have to depend on the availability of the dentist to create a schedule which you have to adhere to, otherwise, you will keep adjourning your treatment.

Similarity to dentists

Some DIY options can serve the same purpose as going to the dentist. Such include the teeth whitening trays which are more or less like the dentist trays. You can even get your customized tray like that of the dentists but with varying gel concentration and of course, the missing professional dentist experience.


Slow results

DIY whitening options may take a while before you get to see an effect. Dentists have advanced technology such as high-intensity lighting systems, which activate and hasten the results.

Quality of results

Compared to professional options of teeth whitening, DIY options do not have the same quality of results. The prophylactic cleaning that helps wipe off the junk on your teeth makes the results even better. If you intend to have controlled shade change, DIY may not be the best option for you.

No guaranteed results

The DIY option has a variety of methods but very few guarantee results. As seen above, most DIY methods take a long while before showing results which could be even more devastating if you don’t see results in the long run.

Bottom Line

The experts from the teeth whitening clinic, Bajars&Bajars advise that before attempting DIY teeth whitening, it’s important to note that some of the DIY whitening kits and home remedies are suitable for natural teeth only. So, if you have implants, dentures, bridges, or crowns, DIY teeth whitening will not work. That’s why it is important to consult your dentist to discuss the best at-home whitening products. Any professional dentist shouldn’t have a challenge in guiding you on the ideal solution after evaluating your dental health. Please note that the ideal solution doesn’t need to be expensive.

Moreover, if you have cavities that you might or might not be aware of, some home whitening remedies can some serious harm. This is another reason why you should consult your dentist, as they can recommend the safest whitening solution depending on the degree of the cavities. If you follow the methods recommended by your dentist, you will not go wrong at all.

To conclude, you shouldn’t attempt teeth whitening without the guidance of your dentist. Besides, you should avoid using the cheapest whitening product that you come across. As the saying goes, you get what you pay for. Therefore, if something seems too good to be true, think twice. Besides, if you are nervous about making a dental appointment, you shouldn’t be. This is the first step towards enjoying healthy oral hygiene and achieving your desired results.

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