Do Sleeping Positions Really Affect Your Sleep?


With our busy schedules, it is hard to get our full eight hours of sleep without interruptions. So, many people are now running on less sleep, thinking that less is more. However, if you get fewer hours of sleep every night, you should know how you can improve your sleep quality to wake up feeling well-rested. Many people think that sleeping positions have no bearing on their sleep quality, but nothing could be further from the truth. If you have been feeling drowsy than usual, your sleeping position might be to blame. So, keep on reading to know whether sleeping positions can affect your sleep, and how you can get more rest during the night.

Sleeping Positions and Sleep Quality

Sleeping positions can significantly affect your sleep quality. In fact, not all positions are comfortable, and some of them can even have negative impacts on your health. So, because these positions are important, you must know how different sleeping positions can influence your health and sleep. Here is a rundown of these positions:

1. Sleeping on Your Back

Sleeping on your back with your arms by your side is known as the “soldier” position because it resembles how soldiers stand attentively in line in front of their commanders. While many people think this is the ultimate sleeping position, it is not actually good for your health. It can cause snoring, which can exacerbate sleep conditions like sleep apnea, not to mention that it can cut the supply of blood to your brain, and cause many health issues. To get better rest in this position, put a pillow under your knees to alleviate any back pain you may experience in the morning, and try to avoid this position when possible.

2. Sleeping on Your Stomach

Contrary to popular belief, sleeping on your stomach with your arms tucked under a pillow in a “free fall” position does not really help you feel well-rested in the morning. The reason behind this is that you are putting too much strain on your neck and spine when you sleep on your stomach. Not only that, but you will also notice that it is harder to breathe in this position; however, getting a better sleep while lying on your stomach is not impossible. To prevent tossing and turning, opt for a soft mattress. A Tulo mattress can greatly improve this position because it has three firmness levels you can choose from.

3. Sleeping on Your Side

Around 15% of people favor this position. The “log” position, which refers to the way we sleep on our side, can entail many health benefits and improve the quality of your sleep. Actually, the log position helps alleviate the symptoms of sleep apnea by opening your airways, which helps you take deeper breaths. Also, sleeping on your left side, in particular, can enhance your digestion, especially if you are a fan of having heavy meals before bedtime. On the other hand, sleeping on your right side can cause acid reflux and heartburn, so you’d better switch sides every once in a while. To improve this position, make sure to support your neck and spine by placing a pillow between your legs to reduce strain and another soft one behind your neck to eliminate neck aches in the morning.

4. The Fetal Position

Heralded as the best sleeping position, the fetal position lives up to the hype. Sleeping on your side with your legs tucked close to your chest can positively impact your health and sleep quality, as it tremendously prevents sleep apnea and reduces snoring, which helps you wake up feeling fresh and ready to work. Moreover, doctors recommend that pregnant women should try this position because it enhances circulation, which helps the fetus grow. However, as mentioned before, sleeping on your right side might not be a good idea, so stick to your left. Also, to enhance this position even more, do not tuck your legs too close to your chest to prevent joint aches and stiffness. Keeping your posture relaxed and placing a pillow between your knees can help you get some rest when sleeping.

Getting a good night’s sleep does not have to be difficult; by just understanding how sleeping positions affect your sleep, you can take active steps to improve your sleep quality and feel more rested. Avoid sleeping on your back or stomach, and try the fetal position, or sleep on your left side for better results. Also, don’t forget to get a good soft mattress and some microfiber pillows to fall asleep easier.

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